Chapter 23

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Valarie had invited Jake over for dinner to thank him for his hospitality. She had just taken the stove off when the doorbell rang.

"I'll be there in a minute!" she shouted as she wiped her hands on her apron and took it off. As she opened the door, her lips quirked up into a smile. Jake stood with one hand propped on the left side of the door frame. With one eyebrow raised mischievously and a rose in his hand, he smiled down at her. "For you" he said handing her the rose.

"Why thank you" Valarie dipped her knees slightly and took the rose from him. They both laughed and she shook her head.

"Come on in."

Jake entered and she closed the door behind them. Instantaneously, the warm scent of fresh herbs and grilled chicken tickled his senses and warmed his soul.

"Wow in here smells like heaven!" he exclaimed and Valarie grinned.

"Welcome to the lair of the master chef" she invited.

"Haha yeah right. Which restaurant have you stop by on your way home?"

"Hey! I can cook Mr!" Valarie declared.

Jake chuckled. "Okay, okay. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and be the judge when I actually taste it. So where have you learnt to cook?"

"It was sort of by force actually. My parents died at a young age and I lived with my aunt but she...ugh....Anyway, I started cooking for us at quite a young age and I learnt as I went along. Food network was one of my favourite channels at one point too so I learnt a few tricks from there."

Jake softened his eyes "I'm sorry about your parent."

Valarie sighed "It's okay. Shit happens."

A chilled silenced filled the air and Jake opted to change the topic before they drowned in awkwardness. "You have a nice apartment. It's very homely. I can tell that you customised it to suit yourself." He walked up to some paintings on the wall across from him. "Are these yours?" Valarie nodded.

"Wow you are really talented."

"Aww thank you. I haven't really gotten much credit for my work lately."

Jake turned to face her. "Ahh I can't believe that they would do something like that to you at your work. How did it go today? Have you told your boss about it yet?"

"No I was going to but I'm not sure how that would have ended. If his son wants to nurture the lie, then so be it. I can't believe that son of a bitch would chicken out like that. Then he has the audacity to ask me to continue making more designs."

"He is an ass. If you are not going to spill the truth, then I hope that somebody does for you. I saw the designs in the papers this morning. They are spectacular. It was chilling to see another name in full claim of what you have created. Why do you let people walk over you so much Valarie? It's not fair."

She ran her hand through her hair in frustration. "I don't know. I guess I just don't like to cause trouble. There was going to be an unpleasant fight if I had admitted that she stole my designs. Karma has its way of working things out. I'll have the popcorn near when it strikes."

"I can tell that you are a humble soul but I fear people will take advantage of you."

"Don't worry about me. Even my aunt pulled one of those stunts on me but I find a way to deal with my issues some way or another."

His brain clicked until what she had said registered. "Wait, what happened with your aunt? What have she done?"

Her tongue caressed the roof of her mouth but her lips remained sealed. "Nothing. Just forget it."

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