Chapter 30

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Valarie sat in the front seat next to Dimitri in suspense. They had already done about twenty minutes of driving and he still hadn't told her where they were going. She tapped her feet on the black leather mat and interlocked her fingers on both hands on her lap. Dimitri glanced down at her and smirked.



His eyes widened "'You're pissed off?"



"Because you won't tell me where we are going."

"Haha I see that you are not a big fan of surprises."

"Nope. So now will you tell me where we are going?"

The slowed down until it came to a stop. "There is no need to. We're already here."

"We are?" Valarie sounded surprised.

She looked out the window to observe the surroundings. A beautiful mansion house stood tall in the middle of a green lawn, decorated with lush flora. A large black automated gate opened and Dimitri drove the car down the driveway. Valarie furrowed her brows and looked at him in confusion.

"What is this? Where are we? I've never seen this place before."

Dimitri smiled and small one and glanced at her. "Welcome" he greeted.

"Welcome?" Valarie questioned.

"Yes welcome...Welcome to my home."

Valarie's eyes widened like two full moons. "Your house?" she asked, completely confused.

"Yes, my home. When I was about sixteen years old, I fell in love with engineering and architectural work. I drew a sketch of a house I would one day call my dream home. For my twenty first birthday, my father gifted the live design to me. I usually stay at his place when I work but sometimes when I need to get away from things, I'll come here."

Her jaws dropped in awe as she got a closer view of the house. It was beautiful! In fact, Valarie couldn't match the style with his personality. He was everything but beautiful.

"It's hard to believe that this is a snippet of your dreams. Of what goes on in your head. This...and you.... I can't see how it mixes."

He smirked. "Never judge a book my its cover hun."

"Are you saying that you are all mushy and beautiful inside?"

"Definitely not! I'm just a man that has great taste. Sometimes I just go with what looks good and what I know people would like so that I'll get the compliments for producing it. It doesn't necessarily reflect me."

"I though you just said that a book shouldn't be judged by its cover. Why would you say that?"

"Because I can" he smirked.

"There. That's the Dimitri I know."

Dimitri chuckled and opened his door to step out. Valarie followed and stepped foot onto the limestone floor. Her head panned the surroundings once more in awe.

"Your 'women' probably drooled over this place" she joked.


"Oh come on. You're telling me that they weren't in awe with this place?"


"I don't believe you."

"How could they be in awe of something that they didn't know existed?"

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