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                 "My feet hurt," whines Jeremy. "My stomach hurts," He whines more. "I'm so hungry. Why did the van have to break down? Does God hate us?"

I have never been more tempted then to whip around and bash Jeremy's face in. I have never been more tempted to scream at the top my lungs and pull my hair out in frustrating.

I think I am going insane.

And it's all because Jeremy's non-stop whining that has been happening for the past hour as we trudge slowly, keeping our eyes peeled for perhaps a town or a gas station or just anything. A person, a place, whatever.

Maybe when we finally stumbled into a town I could stop a shop and buy Jeremy a muzzle. He could consider it an early Christmas gift. 

I'm sure Liam and Stella would be thankful. They, too, appear to be aggravated with him. Though they do nothing to voice their evident annoyance.

Stella walks behind Jeremy and I slowly, at the back of the group, her eyes trained on the back of Jeremy's head as he throws his hands up in expiration and rants on. Her thin pink lips are quirked to the side and her arms are folded tightly over her chest and if it weren't for the soft clicking of her boots, I wouldn't even know she was still present.

Liam, unlike Stella, walks ahead of us all, his shoulders tensely bunched and his eyes flickering between the forest, Jeremy and I. Though he glances at Jeremy more, throwing exasperated looks at him.

I can only guess it's because of Jeremy leaping on me earlier. He's acting completely moronic.  By not talking to me and acting like a jealous idiot.

I mean, what was there to be jealous of anyway? It's Jeremy  were talking about here. Jeremy. The whiny, red haired, blue eyed, jokester. There was no possibility of me ever liking him or of him ever liking me. Sure, Jeremy sometimes throws a perverted comment my way once or twice, but I knew he only meant it in a playful manner. Besides, I don't think he would ever be as stupid as to put the moves on me or whatever.

Then again, the first time Jeremy and I met, he did offer his body to me, because Jeremy foolishly assumed that I wanted something in return to give him and loco Stella information. At the time, I hadn't taken him seriously and I still don't. 

Besides, I'm sure Liam would skin him alive if Jeremy ever had the intention of putting the moves on me. 

The act of Liam snarling at Jeremy yesterday proved that. The mating was lurking closer and I couldn't push the thought of it out of my mind. It's not that I didn't trust Liam and I didn't want to give myself to him fully. I did. I do.  It's the outcome I'm afraid of. 

I shouldn't even be thinking of mating and marking at this point. The reason Liam and I have been able to stay apart without losing our minds is because I'm not marked yet. But once I am, we won't be able to bare being apart. That thought scares. But for a different reason now. Before, I would say it was because I was scared of being independent on Liam or whatever, but that isn't case. 

It's because it makes us vulnerable. What happens if Liam and I were to get separated in the middle of this all? I wouldn't be able to go a week without being in his presence before I slowly lost my mind and before he probably lost his. We'd wither away without each other. We needed each other. 

And that where the mating and marking faltered. It would be a rash decision to mate and mark at this point, but sometimes you just can't avoid the inevitable. I learned that the hard way when the fight took place back with Beckett.

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