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Not edited. When is it ever?

       I'm collected. I'm calm. I'm motherfucking pristine.

I think.

After sobbing hysterically into Liam's arms for god-knows-how-long, I had managed to reduce my tears into tiny whimpers and sunk into the couch with Liam by my side. He draws his attention to Adam then, scowling and glaring. I'm not surprised to say the least but I mean, come on. Your girlfriend is crying over her dead father and you're worried about her ex-mate-to-be? 

Well, it sounds weird when you put it like that.

Either way, I try to sit up and listen to what everyone is saying and resist letting the tears flow anymore. But I can't stop shaking. And of course, bickering resumes once again. 

I sigh.

"Is that why you broke Ronnie's nose? Over him?" Liam spits. 

"No! And I didn't mean to. I wanted to hit Alfie-"

Jeremy cuts her off, "You have anger issues!"

"I didn't mean to! She got in my way!" She deflects. Yeah, it was so horrible of me trying to refrain you from hitting one of the people we need on our side.

"Excuses!" Jeremy hollers. Liam nods.

"Yeah, well, Ronnie kicked the shit out of me. Reprimand her for that." Cliff adds.

"Fuck you asshole." I retort. You know, through my sniffles.

"Stella's on her period or some shit. That or she's possessed," Jeremy blabbers. "I'm scared for my life, frankly. One night I'm gonna wake up to her sacrificing me."

"Oh shut up dickhead." Stella hisses. "You know no clue what's going on with me."

"Then explain it to us!" Liam adds.

"Exorcism! Exorcism!" Jeremy goes out of his way to do the sign of the cross in front of still and plants a hand on her forehead. "Demon child! Demon child!"

Adam cowers in the cower through the midst of it and Stella and Jeremy develop into a full blow argument, as per usual. Eventually, Liam grows frustrated with them and commands them to stop. Jeremy goes out of his way to aggravate us with screaming, "With the power of Christ, I compel you!" Every ten seconds. But that's Jeremy. He loves making a joke out of serious situations.

Seriously, you'd think we'd all band together and realize the severity of the situation, but no. Jeremy and Stella resort to having a pretend exorcism while Liam glares daggers at Adam and Cliff does the same to me. What is civility and where can I purchase some?

Oh, who am I kidding? If it wasn't for the fact I'm a mess I'd probably kick Cliff's ass a second time around. But add in a curb stomp, because, well, I really want to curb stomp somebody. 

Rosalyn eventually wonders in, paired in tight pink shorts and a sports bar with her hair pulled into a high pony. I envy Rosalyn for the fact that she can still look like a goddess even when she's sweaty. "What is going on?" She shrieks, throwing her hands up and glancing between Stella and Jeremy. They pause. Blue eyes drift to Cliff and Adam. "Who are these people and what happened to you last night, Ronnie? Oh my god, Ronnie!"

She rushes over to me, patting away tears and raking manicured fingers through my hair. At least Rosalyn seems to care. "Why are you all bickering with her crying?" She questions. Cliff snorts and her eyes draw to him again. He gives her a haughty brow raise. "Who are you?" She echoes.

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