Chapter 11-Twist that smirk for me...pretty please?

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👆Mike Lowy- Bradley Cooper ⭐️

'Following your mind brings order... The call of the heart means chaos? I think not, but freedom'- Catherine x

💛Lauren P.O.V💛

I step onto the pavement gazing at the fence before me, lined with metallic bars. Hesitantly I swing open the gate strutting down the grey chalk. A man wearing a black jumpsuit and a stern face approaches me.

'Excuse me, but you are not allowed beyond these doors,' he booms, his voice sounding as if he swallowed a rustic radio. I gulp down the knot in my mouth.

'Um I am here to visit a prisoner,' I stutter, looking at the dull surroundings. Absence of trees and the sky layered with dust.

'Which one?' He asks, crossing his buff arms at his chest.

'Mike Lowy,' I announce.


Two guards open the door as I am surrounded my metal walls, reflecting bright light to me. I sit at a metal chair a metal table before me,

Everything metal... Dull and void. I tap my fingers on the slick surface breathing harshly.

It's been so long. How can I show my face to him? After all I did to him and his family. But I know that he is the only one to give an answer to the dead end conflicting my thoughts.

I just hope... Pray... That he forgives me. Deep inside I'm anxious. Anxious to see what he feels about me.

Anger... hate... Love... Understanding.

It scares me that he could hate me. But that's life and karma. I'm paying my sins in the most brutal way and punishment: Internal torment. Fighting with my spirit to free the guilt.

As the door swings open I hold my breath tensing my chest.

He walks in, wearing blank orange clothing. His hair muffled and long shrouding his ears and cheeks.

I raise my eyes to his eyes and they meet. Surprise chokes my throat.

His eyes bear a spark of warmth... The one I recalled from two years ago. The same understanding and gleam of wisdom that shined under the school lights. Now the same intelligence shines under the prison lights.

He smiles warmly and sweetly and my confidence sparks up. Suddenly I sense as if I'm 20 kilos more but at the hands of a man that cared nothing about it.

'Mike,' I breathe. He smiles as he sits down creasing his ever handsome face.

'Lauren... Look at you... A full grown lady, elegant and beautiful as always ' he looks at me,' you were fair before but now you are a sight. How are you doing darling? I hope this unfortunate incident did not disturb you peace.'

I smile back looking at my hands,' sadly it did... And now I live with the consequences of following my heart,' I shrug,' I suppose pursuing my feelings is a crime.'

'It is never a crime. It's just that some people have the wrong image of life... Pursuing order and the supposed 'righteous' actions and abandoning freedom of will behind casting it as if it's a parasite. It's the call of this world.
They think everything our hearts call for is chaos. But that is such a wrong approach.... Frown on it and follow your heart.'

'It's not easy when everyone turns against you,' I say, feeling the tears well in my life ears threatening to abuse me.

'Why are you crying dear... There is nothing to fear... Words might hurt but nothing can hurt you if you block it away,' he reasons conveying warmth towards me.

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