Chapter 19

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I DO NOT OWN TEEN WOLF. Only Melanie and her plot lines.


"Oh, It was loud, and it was awesome." Stiles smiled widely, swinging his hands freely throughout the air.

"Shut up." Derek snapped harshly, fearsomely clenching his fists. Obviously not too thrilled with the noise that had just erupted through the speakers.

"Don't be such a sourwolf."

I rolled my eyes at his comment, still managing to let out a snicker. As for Derek, he simply stood, glaring at the pale boy. But, eventually Scott decided it would be a good time to speak up.

"What did you do with him?"

I believed that he was referring to his boss, so I cocked my head to the side to see if there was anyone occupying Derek's back seat. And alarmingly, there wasn't.

"What are you talking about, I didn't do anything with him?" Derek stated, flipping his head around to see in fact that there was an empty backseat. The vacancy sending chills down my spine.

Deaton was gone, but what happened next was even worse.

Derek was hoisted up off the ground, blood splurging out of his mouth effortlessly. It was the most horrifying thing I've seen since the dead works man at the movie store. And I didn't think it could get worse than that, personally.

"Oh my god." I murmured, staring at Derek in shock. Careful not to move a muscle.

And there stood the alpha. Holding itself up on its own two legs, eyes glowing a crimson red and it's claws extended, looming over us insidiously. It looked terrifying, and even more horrifying than in the video store. I've already encountered this thing once and I didn't want to meet it again.

"Melanie." Stiles murmured, hesitantly grabbing onto my trembling arm.

"Run." Scott somewhat finished his sentence, the three of us rampaging towards the school as fast as our legs could carry us.

Man, I never would have thought that I would be this eager to get to school.

We catapulted ourselves inside the dark blue double doors, quickly leaning our backs against it. I had just seen Derek Hale get murdered by a giant werewolf. An absolutely fantastic way to start off the night.

"Lock it, Lock it." Chanted Scott vigorously, glancing at Stiles momentarily.

"Does it look like I have the key?"

"We need to grab something." I paused, looking around frantically for something—anything we could shove in between the door handles in order to keep it shut.

Stiles' features then contorted with intelligence, as if he had an idea. He stumbled to his feet with urgency all while he pressed his face against the window. His shaky breath visible on the cool glass.

Scott and I followed, our eyes darting out the window. Glancing around carefully before our eyes landed on what Stiles was targeting, the yellow bolt cutters.

"No." Scott shook his head as Stiles wrapped his fingers around one of the the metal door handles.

I grabbed Stiles' forearm, gaining his full undivided attention. "Stiles, don't. Please."

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