November 16th, 2014

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Dear Nobody,

So I slept with Grey last night. Again. He's kind of really amazing in bed and it's kind of impossible for me to say no to him. It's not his awesome personality or impressive genitalia that gets me to keep saying yes to him just about every time that he asks me to go upstairs to my room. We were at the party last night that my brother threw and we were all already pretty high but then I did some shots with Grey and Tasha and so when he started touching my boob and kissing my neck, I just let it happen. But anyway, like I was saying, I don't sleep with Grey because of his personality, his incredible attractiveness, or his talent in bed. Although they all help with my decision. I really only sleep with one of my best friends because of my low sense of self-worth and tendency to involve myself in self-destructive activities such as drug use and alcohol abuse. At least, that's what I read online one time.

Basically, I hate myself. I hate my life. Boo hoo, right? And having mindless sex with Grey is just a way to cope with that. It's kind of like how some people harm themselves physically by cutting their wrists to take away the emotional pain. I think that it's kind of like that- only sex feels a lot better than cutting my wrist. Although I feel guilty, disgusting, worthless, and just plain awful about myself afterwards, I do have a few moments of bliss when Grey makes me forget about all of the shit that goes on in my life.

Anyway, Grey left really early in the morning. Everybody was gone. Except for Nathan, who had passed out on the couch with a penis drawn on his cheek in Sharpie. I think that was Cece, because one of her favorite hobbies at a party is to draw a penis on the face of anybody who is sleeping and/or intoxicated to the point of having no idea what's going on.

Now, I'm just going to clean up around the house and then I'll finish up some homework for school tomorrow and I guess that will be my day. I don't have work because the library isn't open on Sundays and I'm not hanging out with any of my friends because we're all hung over. It's not going to be a great day but I'll let you know if anything spectacular happens.

Included picture: A picture of Grey this morning. He doesn't know that I took it.

Luna Rose

I put everything in the envelope, seal it, stamp it, and then I head downstairs so that I can send the letter off and then get back to my room. I know that Frosty is downstairs because I think that he crashed here after the party last night and I'm really not in the mood for that. Luckily when I pass the closed door to Nathan's room, I can hear voices in there so I'll be free by myself downstairs.

However, once I get downstairs, I notice a familiar ratty red purse sitting on the arm of our worn black couch and I know that means that my mom is home because no matter where she goes or for how long she goes there, she always takes that purse with her. Even though her coins and packs of gum fall out of the holes that have torn their way through the bottom of the purse, she will not give up on that red purse that smells like a mix of rose perfume and urine.

"Mom?" I call through the small apartment to see where she is so that I can say hi to her considering she's been gone for a while and I've kind of missed her. The apartment is always so eerily silent and full of tension between Nathan and I when she's gone.

"Luna, sweetie, I'm in the kitchen," She calls to me and I guess that it's good that she sounds happy right now. There's no in between with my mother- she's either extremely happy, extremely sad, or extremely and dangerously angry. One of these is good, one being tolerable, the other being downright terrifying.

Padding along into the kitchen, I sit down my newly written letter on the small end table that sits in the living room right beside the threshold into the dining room and then turning through the dining room, I go into the kitchen and see my short mother opening one of the cupboards above the sink.

Sincerely Luna RoseWhere stories live. Discover now