December 14th, 2014

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Dear Nobody,

Danni is actually pretty cool. She's really growing on me, which I didn't think would happen but when we had dinner on Wednesday, it was actually pretty fun. I'm as surprised about this as you are, trust me, but I'm starting to think that her stubborn will to be my friend is actually going to work. Because we're hanging out again today and I don't even mind. I'm actually kind of looking forward to it. It was kind of hard to explain to my friends why I wouldn't be free though. I had to lie to them, which I don't like doing, and I told them that the library is doing some inventory and they needed me on a Sunday. Of course, it wasn't that hard to get it passed them considering we were all pretty hungover from Saturday night.

Grey was the hardest to convince because he was in my bed this morning after a good night of drunken sex and as I had to get out of bed to start getting ready, he had started asking questions. Eventually, he left but that was only because he had somewhere else to be. I think that he's still suspicious about the whole thing but I can't worry about that right now. Danni is picking me up in twenty minutes and she's going to take me to campus, which should be interesting, I guess. She claims that they have really good ice cream there.

I'll have to get better at hiding Danni from my friends or this could get ugly.

Included picture: My fancy dinner from Wednesday

Luna Rose

I finish my letter and tuck it away with the Polaroid in the hidden shoebox before I get dressed in skinny jeans and a ratty sweater covered by my winter coat and then I grab my bag from the floor by my bed. I hear Nathan and Frosty talking across the hall in Nathan's room so I want to wait in my room until Danni is here so that I don't have to deal with those two in case they go out into the living room.

It's not like I don't like my brother or anything, it's just that I don't like being around him considering how intimidating he is just all of the time. He has a way about him that makes everybody believe that he's about to rip your neck out at any given second for no particular reason. Maybe that's impractical, but he still scares me. He's never hit me or anything before either, which is another reason that my tendency to avoid him is a little bit ridiculous but I don't care. I just don't like being around him. The fact that he has Frosty over just makes the situation that much more avoidable.

Just as I'm about to text Danni to see where she is, my phone starts ringing in my pocket. Assuming that it's Danni telling me that she's here, I pull it out of my pocket as I'm leaving my room.

"Hello?" I answer, locking the door behind me and then going down the rickety stairs into the living room.

"Luna. Thank God you answered," It's not Danni, it's Tasha, and she seems out of breath and very alarmed. She might even be crying or about to cry. Although Tasha is the most emotional out of all of our friends, I'm still surprised to hear her so upset because she's always so quiet and reserved that I don't think that I've ever seen her cry before. "I need your help."

"Okay, what's wrong?" I wonder, staying in the living room as I listen to Tasha's panicked breathing on the other end of the call.

"Grey is fighting some guy," She tells me. "Something happened and he got really mad and they're really fighting. It's bad. Like, he looks like he could kill this guy and I wouldn't put it past him with how he's looking right now. I think that you're the only one that can get him to stop. I think somebody is about to call the cops. Grey! Grey, stop it!"

"Grey can take care of himself, Tash," I assure her even though I'm already feeling a pit growing in the bottom of my stomach. It must be bad if Tasha is worried about it and if somebody is calling the cops, that means that there's a crowd and I really don't want Grey to get arrested. It would be the third time in the past six months, which means that if he gets charged, the judge really won't go light on him at all.

Sincerely Luna RoseWhere stories live. Discover now