December 20th, 2014

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Dear Nobody,

It's been a rough week, but obviously since I'm writing this letter, I've survived it. Winter break started so the fact that there's no school helps a little bit. Even with what happened with Nathan, I've stayed at home because I didn't want to run this time. I know that last time something happened (David's creepy midnight attack), I was out of the apartment in the blink of an eye, couch surfing with my friends. This is different. It wasn't as traumatic as David's attempt to fuck me and also, it's not like I can just wait it out until my mom kicks Nathan out of the apartment. Not only because he's her son but also because he pays half of the rent. Unlike David, he's here for the long run and I have to suck it up and deal with that.

I haven't talked to Nathan at all though and I've grown used to actively avoiding him at all costs around the house. I'm gone for school before he wakes up and I don't come home until he's out with his friends and then by the time he comes home early in the morning, I'm locked away in my room. He scared me before, as you know, but now he just downright terrifies me. My black eye still kind of throbs when I think about it too long.

Not only do I have a black eye though, I'm still worrying too much about Grey—so worried that I talked Jules into driving all of us over to his apartment yesterday after school to talk to his grandmother, who isn't incredibly pleasant. She had no news for us though, so that was a wasted trip. I'll go crazy if we don't get any information soon though. Even if he is in jail for a while, I just want to know that he's okay. I know that I shouldn't care so much about him, but I do and I can't help it.

God help me.

Picture Included: My battle wounds

Luna Rose

Just after getting home from work, I write my letter and tuck it under my bed with the rest of them before getting dressed in yoga shorts and an old t-shirt to do some homework for the week ahead and to lounge around my room for the rest of the night. Turning on my stereo, I pull my work out of my school bag and decide that I should grab a snack from the kitchen before I start working.

Unlocking my bedroom door, I go downstairs and I'm already about halfway through the living room when I realize that Nathan is home, sitting on the couch with Frosty and another one of their friends. I'd heard the TV on earlier but I just figured that he forgot to turn it off or something, I didn't think that he was actually home. From the shock of seeing my brother, I pause on my way to the kitchen only momentarily before I keep moving to the kitchen, keeping my head down.

His nose is bruised and swollen still so it's probably broken but he definitely didn't go somewhere to get it checked out by a professional even though he probably should have. Nathan and his friends don't even acknowledge my existence, they just keep on with their conversation but because the TV is so loud, I can't really hear what they're saying.

As I'm going through the empty cupboards to find anything to eat (mom isn't back yet and she's always the one to stuff our cupboards with snack food. It's supposed to be just for her but she doesn't realize that I eat it too), I hear footsteps coming into the kitchen and that causes me to jump so I quickly turn around to see Frosty standing there. He isn't going for the fridge or anything, he's just staring at me. Not knowing what to do, I just turn back to the cupboard and grab the first thing that I can get which is a bag of beef jerky that's only half full. It'll do.

I try to pass Frosty but he puts his hand on my shoulder to stop me from leaving the narrow doorway between the kitchen and the living room.

"Get off of me," I say in a low voice as I try to shrug off his hand but he still grips hard enough on my shoulder that I can't just shrug him off.

Sincerely Luna RoseWhere stories live. Discover now