November 29th, 2014

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Dear Nobody,

I feel like this whole week has been a huge downward spiral for me. As the week goes by, I get better at hiding my emotional distress which means that my friends are starting to believe that I've gotten over it. Everything is going back to normal now on the outside with all of my friends, but I just feel moodier like everything is just darker than it used to be. I know that I haven't had the best of luck in my life with my druggie mother, dealing brother, absent father. I have had some tough breaks but nothing that I can't handle. I don't really ever feel sorry for myself, I just deal with whatever might be bugging me and I move on. I put it in a letter and send it off and then it's gone.

But this thing with David really has me shaken up and I don't know what I'm going to do. I've been couch surfing all week between all of my friends and now that it's Saturday, I just got back from working at the library and I'm planning on staying with Faith and now that it's the weekend, it's been decided that she's throwing a party tonight since her dad works third shift and won't be back until like, eight in the morning.

Right now, I'm sitting in Faith's living room to finish some homework before I go out and join the loud party in the small bedroom down the hall. I think that tonight will probably help with my emotional crisis because it's a good excuse to get fucked up. Grey is in there and I know that when he starts smoking/drinking/whatever, he's going to try to make a move on somebody here. Probably me. Hopefully not.

We'll see.

Picture included: Picture from the party tonight featuring Cece, my ripped stockings, Tasha's un-ripped stockings, and Robby smoking the bong. Taken by Faith.

Luna Rose

I put my notebook away after finishing my letter and just sit there for a minute, trying to enjoy the calm of the living room before going back to Faith's bedroom where everybody is getting wasted already. I mean, the party is fun but I just have a lot on my mind right now and I need to calm down for a minute before I can go out and enjoy the party again.

I take a few deep breaths and then decide that I need to get back to the party. Stepping into the room, I'm immediately being drowned by the rock music blasting through the back of the house. It's not as loud as they'd like it to be for the reason that they don't want the other people in the apartment complex to report the loud noise.

Tasha is still sitting by the wall where I'd been sitting with her earlier beside one of our other friends, Jad, who is now explaining to Tasha why he felt it was necessary to bring a balloon shark to Faith's house. He's already kind of drunk, so it's kind of hard to understand him though. Mackie thinks it's hilarious though, because he's sitting on the other side of Jad listening to the story and he's laughing uncontrollably. His long, dirty black hair keeps falling in front of his face as he laughs but he doesn't even try to move it back behind his ears, he just keeps laughing through his hair.

And then on the other side of the bed, there's Robby who is more of Faith's friend than all of ours, but he's a cool guy, I guess. He's one of the people that Faith hangs out with when she's feeling like taking a trip to the mall or to Walmart or something to rip off price tags and hide things under her coat.

Jules and Grey are standing by the TV, taking shots of some cheap vodka and Cece is sitting with Walker as she's giggling about something that he just said. Not because she's into him, because she's not. She just gets giggly when she gets drunk, no matter who she's talking to. Her sketch book is tucked under her arm because she's never willing to part with it for very long, it's like a child's teddy bear or something. Faith is sitting on the floor next to her bed while conversing with another one of her thieving friends, whose name I forget because he doesn't hang around us very often. Right now, he has his hand on Faith's leg though, and she's leaning into him, so I'm thinking that something's going to happen between them tonight.

Sincerely Luna RoseWhere stories live. Discover now