January 7th, 2015

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Dear Nobody,

After our 'argument' or whatever it was, I haven't really talked to Danni. I know that I probably went too hard on her about the whole Quinn thing but I was just so mad, I couldn't help it. I don't know why I was so mad though, and I keep trying to figure that out. I don't know why I'm so angry at the idea of talking to guys- normal guys that respect women and buy them dinner and love them even when they're gone. But the idea of that type of guy just terrifies me. Or maybe, what terrifies me more is the fact that I know that I'll never have that type of guy, because I'm a piece of shit and no guy like that would ever want a girl like me. I've been ripped apart by circumstances for so long that I'm barely even a girl, a human, anymore. And those normal guys, they can see it.

And the fact that Danni is oblivious to that, so much so that she's trying to hook me up with one of those normal guys, is so frustrating to me. Can't she see that I'm a lost cause? That I'm hopeless? A guy like her brother, who drives girls home when they almost had to take the bus, who don't take advantage of drunk girls at parties, would never want a girl like me, who fucks just for fun and does drugs in the rotten basement of our local abandoned building. I'm not worth his time, and Danni just doesn't understand that.

Now, it's Wednesday and school has started up again, which makes people grumpy. At school today, there'd been three fist fights in the hallways, one that I saw personally, which is a lot even for our crap school. Nobody wants to be back at school after remembering what the real world was like for two whole weeks. Luckily, I'm now out of school, at the library writing in my notebook so that Mrs. Wilcox thinks that I'm writing this essay. It's the one from a previous shift that I worked that I couldn't get a handle on. She's given it to me again for me to brainstorm ideas and to think of a good answer. It's such bullshit. She's coming over here now though, so I actually have to go.

Included Picture: The library- exciting, right?

Luna Rose

"How's it coming along, dear?" Mrs. Wilcox comes into the break room just as I'm slamming my notebook shut to make it look like I'm rereading the essay prompt for the scholarship that she'd given me.

"Still terrible," I confirm with a nod. "I told you before, I don't know how to write essays very well. And especially this one, the prompt is so stupid and vague. I don't know how to answer it."

"Alright, well we'll find you a tutor next time. I need you out at the desk now, I have to go into the back and work on some paperwork," She tells me with an annoyed frown, obviously not excited about the paper work that lies in her future.

Eager to get out of my essay writing, I put my notebook and the folder of scholarships into my bag and, leaving it in the break room, I go into the main area of the library and then behind the front desk. Nobody else is working right now except for one person doing the shelving toward the back of the library but I'm pretty sure that he's asleep, because he does more sleeping on the job than he does actually working.

Mrs. Wilcox disappears into the back where her office is and I'm left alone at the front with nothing to do. Instead of just standing here looking bored though, I grab the cleaning supplies from shelf under the desk and start wiping down the black counter. It's not really dirty but it doesn't hurt to make it look extra nice for the zero visitors we have right now.

I'm about halfway around the wide right angled desk when I hear the glass door at the front of the library, right in front of me, jingle open and I almost get excited that somebody is here but I deflate a little bit when I see that the person coming into the library is just Danni.

Sincerely Luna RoseWhere stories live. Discover now