December 10th, 2014

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Dear Nobody (I really mean Nobody this time),

I'm feeling better now. After the planetarium, I feel like I have a better perspective on things including Danni and the letters and even on Grey and this city. And I guess that after I gave it some more thought, I got just what I was asking for. I wanted somebody to listen to me, somebody to care, somebody who isn't actually part of my life. That's exactly what I've been asking for and that's exactly what I got. You know what they say- be careful what you wish for, right?

This Danni girl actually called me last night and we made plans to go out to dinner tonight after school since her classes end early on Wednesdays. I've been preparing myself, constantly reminding myself that I need to stay as calm as possible because I'm going to be in public with this girl and I know that I've been feeling better about this situation but that doesn't mean that it doesn't still weird me out to no end. I'll have to stay calm through the whole thing, which will be a major challenge but I have to get it right. I guess I'll see how this goes and I'll keep you posted.

Picture Included: The planetarium

Luna Rose

I'm running a little behind schedule, which is bad because Danni said that she'd pick me up in front of my apartment at five and I need to get dressed very quickly. I toss my notebook under my pillow and go get dressed in the nicest outfit possible. Most of my nice clothes are from Faith stealing them from department stores for my birthday or just for sport. Sometimes she'll give me stuff just because she felt like stealing something and happened to grab my size. That's how I got these dark skinny jeans that I'm wearing.

I'm also sporting a black sweatshirt with white skeleton hands flipping people off—that was a birthday present from Faith-- layered over a tank top and a long sleeved t-shirt. I'm also wearing my black boots and a plaid scarf to keep me just a little bit warmer in the winter weather.

I look in the mirror and decide that I don't look awesome, but I do look as great as I can look in twenty minutes. My big brown eyes look bigger right now, and I think that's because I'm nervous. That rarely ever happens because I like to consider myself pretty composed but right now, I have to admit to myself that I'm nervous.

I run my fingers through my long hair a few times and I take a deep breath because I've seen people do that in movies but it doesn't work for me- I still feel nervous. I'm staring at myself intently in the mirror when my phone bings with a text so I jump a little bit out of my skin before looking down at my phone and reading the text from Danni that's telling me that she's pulling into the parking lot in front of my apartment building.

I grab my ratty bag and toss it over my shoulder as I leave the bathroom and go downstairs to where my brother is conversing with about five of his baggy-clothed druggy friends. I ignore them and they ignore me as I walk through the living room and out the front door. Going down the hallway and then down the stairs, I see Danni's familiar-ish car parked in one of the close spots so I walk to it and hop into the passenger seat before I can wimp out of this meeting.

"Hello," I breathe out as I shut the door behind me and revel in the blasting heat inside of her car.

"Hey. Uh, how are you?" She asks me as she's backing out of the parking lot. She doesn't seem as nervous as she seemed the first time we met. She's slouching more, her dull blue eyes aren't as wide and excited, and her dark hair doesn't look as tousled and stressed as it did before.

"I've been better," I mutter. "You?"

"I can't tell yet," She admits with a stuttering laugh. "But I think that I'm doing pretty well."

Sincerely Luna RoseWhere stories live. Discover now