December 16th, 2014

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Dear Nobody,

No word about Grey. No surprise there. I don't know how long it'll take for me to find out anything about what's going on with him now that he's been arrested and most likely charged with whatever charges go along with fighting on public land. I have to focus on my life right now though because I have a test in English on Friday and I need to focus on that even though I'm not too worried about it. I also have my job to worry about, and it's actually really helping me take my mind off of Grey.

I'm on my break right now at the library, sitting in the small break room with an apple. I have just a few more hours left of work for tonight and then I have to go home and deal with Nathan, who is probably calling all of his hood rat friends to join him at our apartment tonight. Maybe I'll spend the night at Cece's house tonight just to stay away from the apartment and Nathan's creepy friends. Even though I was snappy with them on Saturday night/Sunday morning, none of my friends even brought it up today at school, which I knew that they wouldn't, and we've all moved on from it. I'm not as crabby, they're not as yappy about Danni. We're fine.

Speaking of Danni, I didn't talk to her at all yesterday or today so I'm thinking that maybe Saturday really did spook her a bit. Maybe she finally realized what she was getting herself into, trying to be my friend and all of that. I don't know. I wouldn't blame her if she stops talking to me considering how different our lives are and how incompatible we would be as friends. Just because her father owned the café where my father liked to get drunk and write music and fall in love doesn't mean that we should be friends.

Picture included: An old gem I found of Cece after digging through some old Polaroids.

Luna Rose

After tucking the letter and picture into my bag, I start eating my apple. With the first crunching bite, Mrs. Wilcox enters the small break room with a wide smile on her face and a manila folder tucked into the crook of her elbow. She's definitely up to no good.

"I found some more scholarships for you," She informs me, tossing the folder onto the table in front of me and I see how thick it is with papers that she now wants me to fill out. "You're in here until all of this is filled out."

I let out a loud, dramatic groan. "I appreciate the effort, Mrs. W, I really do, but I've already filled out like, six of these applications. Don't you think that's enough?"

"Honey," She tsks at me. "Don't ever settle for 'enough'. The more scholarships you apply for, the more likely it becomes that you'll get chosen for some. And the more scholarships you get, the less you'll be in debt and the easier it will be for you to graduate. Fill them out."

"I'm 98% sure that I'm not going to college though, so you're basically wasting the library's budget on paying me to just fill out pointless applications," I point out to her but I'm already grabbing the folder because I know how stubborn she is and I know that she won't back down from this.

"Get to work," Is all she says before she's leaving the room again with a triumphant smirk on her wrinkled face. I let out an annoyed huff of air as I grab a pen from my bag and start reading the first application, which requires an essay.

Reflect on a time when you challenged a belief or idea. What prompted you to act? Would you make the same decision again?

I don't know how to even start an essay like that so I just leave the page of lines blank for now, deciding that I can just move on to the other applications and if I have to, I'll go back to the essay later. I'd like to think of myself as smart- at least compared to the idiots that surround me- but my one weakness is essay writing, because I just can't figure that out.

Sincerely Luna RoseWhere stories live. Discover now