January 16th, 2015

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Dear Luna,

I left the hospital a little while ago, they said that you'd wake up soon though and if you're reading this, you've obviously woken up so congratulations on that. I hope that you're feeling alright. These past few days have been terrible and not just for me but for all of us. You really scared the shit out of all of us. Kind of a reminder to all of us that we all still give a shit about something in this world, I guess.

Anyway, I talked to your new rich friend, Danielle, I think it was? And she said that I should write you a letter, so that's what I'm doing. I know that it's terrible but you have to cut me a break—I'm not a writer. And I can't say this stuff to your face because I don't know how to say it. I doubt that you even know how to hear it. So yeah, here goes nothing.

You're the only ray of light in this entire fucking city. And I know that I was an asshole to you but it was only because I wanted you to see me. I mean, obviously, you saw me. You knew who I was before we saw each other naked. But when you go on to do great things in this world, I don't want you to look back and remember me just as a guy that you fucked when you were sad. That's why I smoke those cigarettes that you hate, why I pulled at your strings that I knew that you didn't want pulled. I just want you to remember me. Because I love you. And I figure that you're going somewhere in this world. I don't know where, but just somewhere that isn't here. And I also figure that the best thing that I can do with my shitty existence is to be remembered by you.

P.S. Cece found this picture of us in her stuff when she was moving into Jules' apartment and she gave it to me. I don't remember it being taken or who took it but I assume that it was taken with that damn camera of yours and how into that stuff you are so I thought that you might want it. To remember how we used to be.


That's the first thing that I read when I wake up. I'm still half asleep, my throat is dry and sore, and I have absolutely no idea what's going on because there's no doctors or nurses in my hospital room when I wake up. The only thing that I can reach when I wake up is this folded up piece of notebook paper sitting on the tray to my left and I was not prepared for what was inside.

Folding it back up, I put it back where I found it on the tray to at least attempt to pretend like I haven't just read that letter from Grey so that I don't have to think about it anymore. But I can't stop thinking about it even though the words are hidden again, they can't leave my foggy, confused brain.

Grey just told me that he loved me in that letter and even though I do love him and I've told him that too, I'm thinking that that's not what he meant when he wrote that.

"Hey, you're awake," I jump a little bit when I look up and see Faith walking into the room. When she steps into the room closer, she frowns at me. "Wait, are you crying?"

"No," I choke out even though now that she mentions it, I can feel the cold streaks of tears on both sides of my face. "Oh wait, yeah I guess that I am. What's happening?"

Sitting down on the chair beside my bed, she gives me a small frown. "You were in a car accident a few days ago. I just pushed the nurse button so somebody should be here soon. Danielle is okay, she got released earlier today so she went home but you should give her a call so that she knows that you're okay. She was pretty worried."

"Grey said that he's in love with me," I tell her, wiping the tears from my face but when my fingers touch my face, it stings so I pull away with a wince. "Is he here? I want to talk to him."

"Grey did? Whoa," She blinks a few times to comprehend what I just said. "No, I'm sorry, he left yesterday. Said something about not wanting to wait here for you to wake up. We've all been here by the way, during visiting hours, taking shifts until you woke up. I'll text Cece and let her know that you're awake, everybody's in the waiting room. How'd he tell you that if you just woke up though?"

Sincerely Luna RoseWhere stories live. Discover now