August 21st, 2015

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"Okay, well that's the rest of your stuff. You really didn't pack a lot of stuff," Danni tells me from the doorway as I'm unpacking the things that will go on my desk.

"I didn't really have a lot of stuff," I remind her. Even the stuff that I did have at home, I wouldn't want to keep with me. I want to get rid of all of the bad parts of that apartment that I shared with Nathan and my mother, only keeping the good parts with me. That's why the only things that I packed are the good parts and it's not much.

"Well, it made this move in extremely easy," She pipes. "Anyway, I'm starving so I'm going to let you get acquainted with your room while I go pick up a pizza."

"Sure. But... what if my roommate shows up? How do I deal with that?" I ask her, feeling kind of terrified of meeting this girl that I'll be rooming with. I had to get a roommate because getting a single room was a few hundred dollars extra and I didn't want to put that extra burden on my bill. I still had no idea how to live with another person in the same room as me though, so I'm panicking.

"Just say hi and be nice," Danni assures me with a small laugh. "Look, Luna, it's really not a big deal. She's a freshman too so she won't know anybody. Be her friend, find things in common. Talk about roommate things, you know? How late you stay up, how loud you listen to music, stuff like that."

"This is so stressful," I groan but my stomach also groans with me, proving that I'm hungry and I need to let Danni go so that she can pick up our pizza. "But okay, you go get food, I'll stay here and stress about this whole roommate thing."

"It'll be fine," She assures me with another small laugh as she grabs her keys and takes off out the door. It being August, it's really hot and it being move in day, I've been going back and forth outside, pushing and pulling things all day so I'm a sweaty mess. Wiping a thick sheen of sweat from my forehead, I get back to putting everything on my desk.

I have a lot of framed pictures of my friends back home. I have one of Cece and Jules in their new apartment uptown, near Fairmont's campus. The apartments are usually for college kids which means that they're cheap but the neighborhood is good- kids our age just trying to be adults. They're happy. I have a picture of Faith, Grey, and Tasha back at home because they didn't leave. Tasha has to stay with her family. Faith and Grey are content with the city and they're afraid of change. I have a picture of all six of us at our graduation that Danni took, all of us wearing our school colored gowns.

You know how much I love taking pictures. They scatter my desk now, and when I run out of frames, I just start taping them to the wall near my bed. Polaroids of the memories that I keep with me from my life in West Virginia. Not that I need these pictures to remember my friends, because we're going to keep contact even with me so far away but they sure do help. I'll probably go home for holidays like Thanksgiving and Christmas but both of those still seem like they're so far away.

I get all of the stuff put away on my desk and make my bed. My room is up on a high floor so the windows don't open very far (because apparently, that's how stressful finals week is).

I'm starting to unpack all of my clothes into the dresser when there's a knock on the closed door. I thought that I was ready to meet my roommate but I'm really not. Feeling incredibly nervous, I just wish and hope that it's Danni on the other side of the door with the pizza.

Please let it be Danni. Pretty please.

Opening it, I see neither my new roommate nor Danni. It's Quinn, Danni's brother. Feeling confused about what's happening, I open my mouth to greet him or to ask him why he's here but he beats me to it.

Sincerely Luna RoseWhere stories live. Discover now