December 6th, 2014 (Morning)

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Dear Nobody,

I think things are getting better now. My mom didn't break up with David, but she did kick him out of the apartment so that's really awesome. I honestly don't care if she's still dating that jackass or not, I just don't want him in the apartment and after I told my mom what happened, she made sure that he wasn't welcome in the home anymore. She's not Mother of the Year or anything by a long shot but how she acted when I told her about David made me respect her just a little bit more than I did before.

I moved back into the apartment and I spent all of Tuesday afternoon after school figuring out how to fix the bathroom lock so that it actually locks. I also bought a prepaid phone and gave into Mrs. Wilcox and started filling out some of the scholarship forms that she's been forcing down my throat in these past weeks. 'False hope is better than no hope' is what she told me. I find that debatable but I didn't debate it with her, I just filled out the papers.

I'm basically getting my shit together... kind of. I'm meeting my friends in the Ronlux basement tonight and I haven't fucked Grey in two whole weeks and I'm in a better mood now than I have been in the past few weeks so he'll probably make a move and I'll go with it.

Right now, I'm just sitting in my room and enjoying my Saturday morning in my room in my sweat pants and an old tank top with an unzipped hoodie. Just a nice time to slow down and relax by myself before I meet up with my friends tonight to hang out. I've been working and going to school all week so this morning to sleep in was pretty great.

Frosty and Nathan are downstairs though and most of the time, I would have really been annoyed by Frosty's presence but after having to deal with David, I feel extremely relieved that my biggest problem now is Frosty. I'd rather have to deal with a million Frostys than deal with just one David to be honest.

Picture included: I even made my own breakfast this morning. Gold star for me

Luna Rose

After putting the letter in the mailbox, I return to the living room, planning to go upstairs and study some old college text books that I've checked out of the library. Not to help me with my high school education but just so that I know things. It might not be really fun to learn about the body's limbic system or how to program a computer, but I've always felt like knowledge is safety, you know? Like, I'll have a better understanding of the world, of how everything works, and I can protect myself. From what, I have no idea, but I think of it as holding onto a life preserver in a bottomless ocean. Without knowledge, I'm just going to drown without even a fighting chance.

"Having a rough day, Luna?" Frosty asks me with raised eyebrows as I hold my open hoodie over my cleavage just for reassurance that he isn't ogling. I try to hurry toward the stairs before he acknowledges me but that obviously didn't happen so I stop and turn to respond to him instead of just running up the stairs.

"Nope, I'm having a fine day but thanks for your concern," I assure him with a sarcastically sweet smile. I used to be repulsed by Frosty and his scrawny-self trying to hit on me in his own creepy way. Now, after dealing with David, I feel like Frosty isn't so bad after all. He's annoying but he isn't a danger and I can tolerate him the way that I tolerate just about everything else.

"You look like crap," He accuses, giving my whole body a once over and then making eye contact with me yet again.

"I'm comfortable," I correct him, looking down at my old sweat pants and then back up to Frosty. "I didn't realize that I had to dress to impress you every time that you came over."

Sincerely Luna RoseDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora