December 15th, 2014

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Dear Nobody,

It's barely the 15th yet, it's just midnight now and I'm down in the Ronlux basement with my friends (except for Grey) but it's kind of quiet so I decided to keep myself busy by writing something down. I think everybody's pretty shaken up about Grey being arrested and knowing that he'll probably be stuck in jail for a while now. I'm the least hopeful but Tasha's sure that Grey will be able to talk the judge down because he's most likely a sociopath. My words, not hers.

Jules, Cece, and Faith were driving across down town to pick up some drugs from Jules' friend and they were blasting the radio so loudly that they couldn't hear their phones ringing when Tasha had been frantically calling them when Grey was about to get into the fight. It's a good thing that they got there when they did, I guess, because I probably would have gotten myself hurt pretty badly if I jumped between those two guys again. It probably wouldn't have helped anything anyway.

Now, I don't know what to do. Cece's drawing, Faith is still trying to comfort Tasha about what had happened, and Jules is already getting high on the other side of the basement. The mood is just so depressing right now that I don't feel like starting a conversation or joining Faith and Tasha's conversation. I'm just going to sit here and-

"What are you writing?" Faith asks me and as an instinct, I immediately shut my notebook so that nobody can read what I've written.

"Nothing important," I tell her.

"What's up with being so secretive lately?" She wonders with raised eyebrows and now, I see that everybody is looking at me, waiting for my response.

"How am I being secretive?" I play dumb but I'm pretty sure that they're referring to Danni. I'm not going to make assumptions until they admit to it though because if I'm wrong, I'd just be calling myself out.

"First there's that girl that was at the fight," She reminds me, disappointingly proving my assumption correct. "And now you're starting a secret diary or something?"

"Oh, right, that girl. She's my lover and I'm now writing love letters to her, if you must know," I say in a deadpan voice. "It's a forbidden type of thing because her parents are homophobic. I don't even work at the library anymore, whenever I say that I'm at work, I'm sneaking around with her to have hot lesbian sex. Romantic, right?"

"Shut the fuck up," Faith refutes with a small laugh, obviously not believing my sarcastic response. One thing we all have in common is our ability to detect sarcasm and to fire it right back at somebody, which is good because without that bonding ability, there would be some serious misconceptions and hurt feelings in our circle of friends just about all of the time. "Seriously, what's up?"

"It's really nothing," I say, scrambling for something real to say that's believable and yet, not the truth. I don't like lying to my friends but I don't feel bad about it. We all have our secrets, it's what makes us human. "She's just some chick from my building and I needed a fast ride to the lot, so she drove me."

"She's from your building?" Cece wonders, looking up from her sketch pad with her head cocked to the side. "She looked like she was ripped right out of a department store catalog."

I just shrug at her because I don't know how to address that with a believable lie. "She likes to look nice, I guess."

"Luna, you don't think that we'll really believe that she's from around here, do you?" Jules fires, standing up from the other side of the basement to join the conversation because this is apparently very important to all of my friends. "Did you see her car?"

Sincerely Luna RoseOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora