January 13th, 2015 (Morning)

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Dear Nobody,

Well, today's the day. I'm not sure how I feel about this but over a very long period of time, in the few months that I've known her, Danni has now convinced me to go on a college visit with her. West Virginia University is two hours away and she's coming to pick me up soon, skipping a day of classes at Fairmont to go with me. Probably because she doesn't believe that I'll go if she doesn't go with me to make sure that I don't back out. It would be the easy thing to do to just go up to Fairmont because it's only about fifteen minutes away and that's where Danni goes but she insisted that we go somewhere else because she didn't want to be biased.

I don't know what to expect from this but I miss a day of school for it with a legitimate excuse and after I exploded on my mother, I realized how important it is that I get out of here and I think that the best way to do that is to get into a school far away from here. Of course, the other part of that is getting a shit ton of scholarships and although I applied to a shit ton, I can't imagine many people picking me to give money to. I mean, when you have hundreds of people with awesome resumes, extracurriculars out the ass, and good schools with gold stickers on their diplomas, I highly doubt that they'll pick the one essay that was basically "I'm a piece of shit but please". If I can't afford school though, I'll still get out of here. If anything, I'll use my savings to get an apartment out of the city and just figure something out from there. I don't know, I guess we'll see.

Included Picture: The city from afar—so beautiful, right? You can't even tell that it's hell on earth

Luna Rose

I'm putting my letter away when I hear a knock on the front door which is confusing because Danni shouldn't be here for another fifteen minutes and when she does get here, she just texts me, she doesn't actually come into the building to get me. Thinking that it's most likely not her, I hurry downstairs to see who it is. I'm the only one home right now so I can't just leave it to somebody else to answer either.

Looking out the peep hole in the front door, I see Grey standing on the other side of the door. Confused, I open the door. "What are you doing here?"

"You didn't go to school," He explains to me.

"Yeah, that's because I have plans," I confirm with a nod as I check the time on my phone. "And I have to get going soon."

"You have plans? Everybody's at school, who do you have plans with?" He wonders invasively as he steps into the apartment and I shut the door behind him.

"Just plans," I respond vaguely. "Do you need something?"

"Well, since you weren't going to school I just figured that you'd want somebody to hang out with," He shrugs at me, sitting down on the couch. "You know that Cece and Jules are fucking now?"

"They're dating," I correct him. "But yeah, I know that."

"How did you know?"

I shrug at him. "I just know, Grey, look. I really am going to go soon. I don't know if you planned on trying to seduce me or something but you know that it won't work. I appreciate that you offered your company for me today but it's unnecessary."

"You thought that I was going to try and seduce you?" He raises his dark eyebrows at me.

"That's really the only reason you ever want to talk to me one-on-one," I mumble, running my fingers through my hair as I wait for Danni's text so that I can get out of this situation. Not that I don't love Grey, because I do (as a friend, obviously), but now really isn't the time for his stupid games.

Sincerely Luna RoseWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt