January 14th, 2015

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Danni's POV

Waking up in the hospital is never fun. The constant beeping of the machines, the sterile smell, and two nurses tucking in my blankets as they whisper gossip back and forth about Judy's nasty divorce.

"Oh, good morning, dear," One of the old nurses greets me in a quiet, gentle voice when she sees that I'm waking up. I blink a few times, look around the room, and then try and remember why I'm in the hospital. "How are you feeling?"

I blink at her again. "Confused."

"You were in a car crash," She explains to me. That sentence unleashes a dam of memories being held in my brain about what happened. I slid into an intersection on a red light and I remember somebody t-boning my car and then after that, everything kind of goes blank.

"Where's Luna?" I ask the lady when I remember that Luna was in the car with me, she was on the side of the car that got hit. I feel an immediate sense of dread wash over me as I wait for the nurse to tell me what's going on.

"She's still in the ICU," She says as the other nurse leaves the room, probably to go get a doctor or something. "But she's going to be fine. Would you like some ice chips?"

She doesn't give me much of a choice because by the time she's done asking the question, she's already spooning little chips of ice into my dry mouth. I wait for the ice to melt on my tongue and then I swallow the cold water. It feels nice.

As I'm melting the ice on my tongue, a doctor comes into the room with a warm smile on his wrinkled face. "Hello, Danielle. I'm Dr. Rickard. How are you feeling?"

"Fine," I respond quickly just as a force of habit before I add, "Actually, my head does hurt a little bit."

"Okay, well let's get everything sorted out so that we can get some visitors back here for you. You're practically filling up the waiting room."

I'm silent. The nice nurse keeps giving me the ice chips as the doctor checks the machines and then adjusts something on the IV that's being fed into the back of my hand. He gives me two normal-looking pills and explains what they are but to be completely honest, I just kind of ignore all of the pharmaceutical talk because I don't understand any of it.

Once Dr. Rickard is done checking everything to make sure that I'm not dying, the nurse finishes the ice chips and then they're both leaving the room. The nurse leaves with a promise of bringing back somebody that I know. I'm hoping that it's Bailey because I really want to see him but then again, I kind of don't because he must be so freaked out right now.

I try to fix my hair a little bit with the arm that isn't being stabbed with fluids but I'm only alone for a few minutes before the door is swinging open and my beautiful boyfriend is standing in the doorway. I smile at him and I'm about to say something witty but before I can even utter a word, he's racing toward me and then wrapping me in a tight hug.

"You scared the shit out of me," He sighs into the shoulder of my hospital gown. "Are you okay? How are you feeling?"

"I'm feeling like that's the third time that somebody's asked me that in the past five minutes," I respond. "But I'm fine. Really, I'm totally fine."

"You do remember me, don't you?" He wonders as I'm running my fingers through his thick golden brown hair. So soft.

"What? Bailey, yes, I remember you. Why would I not remember you?" I raise my eyebrows at him as he sits down on the side of the bed, keeping my IV hand held firmly in his.

"You were the one that made me watch that stupid The Vow movie. You know, fuck you for making me watch that because I thought that you were going to forget me," He starts to rant to me, freaking out just like I knew that he would. "You scared the shit out of me."

Sincerely Luna Roseजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें