January 11th, 2015

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Dear Nobody,

I'm meeting with Danni today and I have no idea how that's going to go. I haven't talked to her since she visited the library, we arranged to meet today via text which means that I didn't get a chance to read her tone of voice or how she's feeling toward me right now. I spent all of yesterday filling out the rest of the application save for the essay portion but I think that it should still make up for overreacting about the New Year's party.

It wasn't really that hard to fill it out so if it gives Danni a little bit of hope that I could have a future, I guess it doesn't hurt that I spent a few minutes of my Saturday filling out this stupid form. I just have to keep reminding myself that it's not going to work because if I start believing that it's a possibility, I'll get majorly disappointed when I don't get accepted or if I don't get enough scholarship money. That's been my philosophy for years now, and I'm not giving up on it now. Sure, college would be cool but I would need a lot of lucky breaks for that to work out, and I've never really been given a great deal of luck so I just don't think that it's a possibility.

Picture included: A picture somebody took of me and Faith turning our trip on Friday (pre-tub) that I found by my polaroid when I sobered up yesterday morning.

Luna Rose

I'm wearing jeans, a black sweater with a few small torn holes in the material, black boots, and my heavy coat when Danni texts me and tells me that she's out front of my apartment building. Passing Nathan and Frosty in the living room, I leave the apartment and then the building to greet Danni in her car to see how this conversation is going to go.

"Hey," I breathe out a long sigh as I get into the car and revel in the blasting warmth as I'm putting my seatbelt on.

"Hey," She responds, her voice piping and excited like always, which I wasn't expecting but being completely honest, it feels kind of comforting to hear her so happy. "How was your weekend?"

"Oh, it was a blast," I assure her.

"Really, what'd you do?" She asks me as she's pulling out of the parking lot to go to wherever it is that we're going. She looks like she knows where we're going though, since she's already heading down the road.

"I took a bath while on acid, which was pretty great. Have you ever done acid?"


"I could get you some if you wanted to try it, it's really an experience," I explain to her with a small laugh. "Anyway, I also filled out that application that you gave me."

"Really?" She glances over at me with wide eyes, seemingly very shocked at what I just said, and understandably so. I'm still pretty surprised about it too, honestly.

"Yeah. Except for the essay thing because, you know, I can't write essays," I explain to her.

"Have you ever tried?" She asks me. "Because I think that you just hear the word "essay" and start doubting yourself and give up."

"I've written essays before, they're just not very good," I shrug. "And where are we going?"

"Well, we were just going to go to lunch but now, I've decided to take you to campus," She says as she's turning onto the freeway to go up north to where her campus is located.

"Why are you doing that?" I ask her with raised eyebrows.

"We have a tutoring center," She tells me. "And I know that there's at least two tutors that work on Sundays. Just don't tell them that you're not a student and they'll help you. They're really helpful too, I used to go to them all of the time."

Sincerely Luna RoseWhere stories live. Discover now