November 23rd, 2014

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Dear Nobody,

The thing about Grey isn't that he's great in bed. That's not really why I'm always sleeping with him. The dangerous thing about Grey is that he has this insane ability to read people, to know exactly what they need. He knows what people want and exactly how to give it to them. That skill just translates magically into his ability to have sex, I'm sure you can imagine how. He knows when I need my hair pulled and my neck bitten and he knows when I want soft kisses on my belly and for him to whisper 'I love you' into my skin even though I know that he doesn't mean it.

He can read all of us like we're books. Like we have our emotions written right on our foreheads. That's why whenever I push him away after he suggests that we hook up, he knows that he can push me farther. He knows that it's okay to put his fist in my hair and push his tongue into my mouth in front of all of our friends even if I tell him not to, because he knows that I'm not too upset and that I'll still drop my panties for him if he asks enough. And he can sense when I'm in such a bad mood that he shouldn't even ask.

That's why I've never really ever said no to him, because he knows when to ask and when to jerk off instead.

That's also why he's always so cruel in his jokes, because he knows that I can take it. And he knows when he's pushing it too far. Even if I'm telling him that he's annoying me, or that he's pushing it too far, he knows when I'm lying. He knows. He always knows.

And it's not just me either, it's just everybody. It's really impressive when it comes to skill level but like I said, it's incredibly dangerous for all of the people that he's reading like an open book. Especially considering that is one of the characteristics of a psychopath.

Anyway, another update on the mysterious disappearing letter, it hasn't shown up. I tried to get to talk to my mother about what return address she wrote on the letter but she never gives me a straight answer. I'm now just assuming that she doesn't know our address because I never got that one back.

So I'm going to go, Grey's almost done smoking and I spent the night with him at his house last night because I didn't want to spend the night at my house considering I absolutely hate David and he just doesn't leave the house very often. And Grey always takes the stress away, even though it doesn't last very long at all.

Picture included: Grey this morning

Luna Rose

"What are you writing?" Grey asks me, tossing the butt of his cigarette into the ashtray and then he leans over to me but I quickly shut the notebook before he can read anything.

"Nothing that you need to worry about," I tell him, looking over and wrinkling my nose at the smell of his breath. "You smell like ass. Why are you smoking right now?"

"Because I like it."

"Nobody likes smoking," I say with a shake of my head in disbelief. "They smoke because it's calming or addicting but not because it feels good to suffocate your lungs in tobacco smoke."

He sits up closer to me and pulls me into his shirtless body, kissing my neck. I toss my notebook onto the floor so that he doesn't try to grab it. "Because it drives you crazy," He mumbles into my skin and then bares his teeth, slightly scraping the side of my neck.

"Not in the good way," I refute, pushing off of him and standing to my feet. "It's disgusting. You know that I hate it."

"You smoke too," He reminds me.

"Yeah, but rarely. And not that nasty shit that you always have. It smells awful and you're doing it just to piss me off," I tell him, realizing slowly that we're sounding like a couple and I don't like that. Grey and I aren't a couple and I'm not going to start acting like it or we're going start down a very dangerous path. "You know what, whatever. Do whatever you want, I don't really give a shit, okay?"

Sincerely Luna RoseWhere stories live. Discover now