March 14th, 2015

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Dear Nobody,

It's been a few months since I've written to you, so I apologize for that. Were you worried?

You would not believe how hard it is to write with a cast on though, and then after I got it removed it'd just been so long that I haven't really gotten back into it yet. I guess I don't really have to write my letters anymore because I used to write because I felt like I didn't have anybody else to talk to.

I wanted somebody to hear what was inside of me. I wanted them to know what I was feeling without me having to say it out loud. But now, after getting to know Danni and after getting closer to my friends over the winter months, I don't feel like I can't say anything out loud. I know that if I need to talk about something, I just need to grab a bottle of vodka, call my friends, and we'll work it out. I mean, things have always been like that, I've always been that close to my friends but before Cece opened up about liking Jules and Grey opened up about liking me, I just didn't feel like I could tell them everything.

Anyway, since I got out of the hospital, I'm also happy to say that after my mom told me that she'd get help, she's been doing her best to stay true to her word. She hasn't committed herself into rehab, which is what I think that she should do, but she has been spending more nights at home and less nights coming home high or drunk. It's not perfect but she's getting better.

Now, I'm going on a small hike with my friends because it's a nice day out now that spring is started and I talked all of them into taking a walk down in the small forest away from town with me. Since my mom is spending today at home watching a Happy Days marathon on TV, she's letting me use her car which is good. I think getting outside will be good for me, for all of us. Within the next few months, we'll all be going separate ways so days like these are important to me. We won't always have the Ronlux to hang out in all of the time.

Luna Rose

I want to leave a picture of the forest in this letter so I don't fold it up so that I can add that picture when I get back. Getting dressed in shorts that are probably too short and a ratty crop top, I put on my cargo boots and grab a jacket because it's probably a little windy outside. It is only the beginning of spring.

I grab my bag and make sure that my camera is inside before going downstairs. Silently passing my mother on the couch, I leave the apartment and then the building, going down to the parking lot where my mom's car is parked.

The first people that I pick up are Cece and Jules because now that they live together, it's the easiest part, like killing two birds with one stone. Parking in front of the apartment building, I go up to the building and then with one knock on the unlocked door, I walk into the living room and immediately regret it because apparently, when I told them yesterday that I'd pick them up at eleven, they misheard me. They must have thought that I said 'You two should have sex at eleven because you'll be alone and nobody will be coming to pick you up' because that's what they're doing right now.

Well, not yet, but Jules in only wearing boxers and Cece is only wearing panties. Granted, I'd seen that part of Jules and I'd seen Cece's boobs before but never in this context, and I was hoping to go my entire life without having to see any part of this context.

"What the fuck!" I screech as they're jumping away from each other and Cece goes to hide her boobs but I'm already turning around and slamming the door shut behind me.

"Sorry!" Cece calls through the front door. "I guess time got away from us."

"You both disgust me. I'll wait in the car, you have fifteen minutes," I scold them, trying to erase the image of them on the couch out of my brain. I have a feeling that it won't go away anytime soon though.

Sincerely Luna RoseWhere stories live. Discover now