November 17th, 2014

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Dear Nobody,

So, I know that I've said this before, but I really hate this school. Seriously. I'm in math right now, and I think that somebody needs to tell the teacher that we don't need to spend three weeks learning the Pythagorean Theorem. In calculus. Especially considering it's a geometry theorem that I learned three years ago. And I think that I saw a rat run along the side of the room about ten minutes ago. I hate this place. I don't even like anybody in this class and I can hear a girl in the back row talking about the sex she had with her boyfriend over the weekend. The guy in front of me keeps leaning back so far that the back of his head intercepts my personal space bubble because these desks are so small and cramped that personal space barely even exists.

I hate this place.

I'm supposed to be taking notes right now but considering I know basic geometry, I don't need to learn it again. Then again, I guess I can understand why we're still learning it in calculus because most of the students in this class don't understand it. I never really learned anything from this school either. The way that I learned about 85% of the book smarts that I've learned is by reading old text books that I can find hidden in the public library in my down time at work.

I can hear something crawling through the wall beside me- it's almost louder than the sound of the broken dreams of my fellow students when they're hit with the realization that none of us are going anywhere in life due to our socioeconomic status- but nobody else seems to hear it. That, or they're all immune to the rodent infestation because we've grown up with mice in our classrooms and we're all used to it. I'm not sure which one is worse: rats in the wall or being used to the rats in the wall.

Picture included: The front of my school-it can't even begin to describe the horror stories from within.

Luna Rose

The bell rings and everybody springs from their desks like a volt of electricity just pulsed through our seats. The teacher at the front of the room stops drawing triangles on the chalk board and sits down at the big desk at the front of the class, not saying anything else to the class such as a goodbye or a 'have a nice day' he just looks exhausted and done. I would too to be honest, if I had to teach geometry theorems to a calculus class.

I shut my notebook and put it in my school bag before standing out of my chair and following the rest of the class out of the room to get to my locker so that I can go home. Calculus is my last class of the day, so I just have to meet up with my friends so that we can go hang out somewhere to make this Monday a little less bland.

We meet by Jules' truck because he's the only one of us that has a car and actually drives to school. I live close enough to the school so that I can walk and Faith lives close enough to Jules that she can walk to his house and he'll take her to school but Cece, Tasha, and Grey all have to take the bus to school. Most of the time though, we'll all go somewhere after school unless we have to work (most of the time, to the Ronlux building) and Jules will drive us all home.

Today, I'm the first one to arrive at the truck in the student parking lot so I hop into the bed of the big white vehicle and wait for everybody else to arrive. I don't know everybody's work schedule so I don't know who is going to be able to hang out tonight but I wish that they'd hurry up because it's freezing out right now.

The first person that I see approaching the truck is Grey and he greets me with a wide smile before hopping into the back of the truck with me.

"You look lonely," He observes, scratching his head through his shaggy-but-kind-of-short dark brown hair and then he looks at me with his stunningly gray eyes. I've always loved his eyes because they remind me of storm clouds, always threatening to burst.

Sincerely Luna RoseWhere stories live. Discover now