December 6th, 2014 (Afternoon)

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"Are you Luna?" She raises her eyebrows at me and as a form of ingrained intimidation, I raise my eyebrows back. I will not be scared by some puny sorority chick. Although, she's not exactly puny- she's a few inches taller than me and she's thin but not too-thin. She might be strong, but she's still a little flower, and I can step on the strong little flower without even blinking, so I'm not afraid.

"I might be," I decide, crossing my arms over my chest and blowing a few strands of my dark hair out of my face. "Who are you?"

"I'm..." She trails off, looking extremely unsure of what to say next and I stare unblinkingly at her. Does she really not know what her name is? Maybe she needs to lay off of that frat-party weed after all.

"Just your name would be a start," I tell her slowly. "You do know your name, don't you?"

Her pink lips turn into a slight smile at my sarcasm but I don't laugh because it wasn't a joke. I don't know what this chick is doing here, but I know that she must be either lost or confused, probably both, and the only reason that I haven't shut the door in her face yet is because she knows my name, and I want to know how exactly she knows such information when she's clearly not from around here. A mystery that I want to unwrap, figure out, and then throw away and forget about. "I do know my name. It won't mean anything to you though, you don't know me."

"But you know me?" I clarify, feeling even more curious as to why this college girl from Fairmont State knows my name and is standing at my front door. She's risking a random mugging, a drive-by shooting, and a couple of airborne diseases to travel to this part of town to talk to me so it must be something with at least a slight amount of interest.

She shrugs one gray-hoodied shoulder. "Kind of. Not really though."

"You're being cryptic," I accuse her, losing interest with the way that she's not explaining herself directly or giving me any straight answers. I don't have that sort of patience. "So I'll make this simple. You can either tell me why you're here or you can get out of here. You have five seconds before I shut this door, alright?"

"Okay, well don't do that. I'll explain," She says quickly, her gentle smile faltering when I threaten to leave. "What I mean is that we've never met, but you've been unwittingly talking to me for a while."

She stops talking, waiting for my reaction, but I have none. My immediate thought is the dangerous one, but I know that it's what she has to be talking about. I remain still to let her finish, only slowly blinking at her as I try to comprehend that my letters haven't been to nobody after all. That has to be what she's talking about. They have been to this cheesy sorority girl with too-straight hair and glossy lips. I feel sick.

"So yeah. I'm... I guess that I'm Nobody," She confirms. I lean heavily on the door's edge as I start to feel dizzy. "But my friends call me Danielle. Because that's my actual name."

I nod slowly, telling myself to get it together. "Right. Okay. Excuse me just for a second," I breathe out the words quickly as I step back into the house without shutting the front door because I'm too busy speed walking out of the living room, down the short hallway, and into the bathroom to throw up my breakfast that had consisted of toast and warm orange juice.

After splashing my breakfast into the toilet, I flush it away and cup some water into my hands from the sink to splash on my face. Snap out of it. Get it together. Deal with the issue and then get over it. I dry my face and wash out my mouth with some more sink water before returning to the living room to see if the college girl is still there. She is.

Chewing on her right thumb nail now, she looks up at me once I walk into the room again. My face probably looks considerably paler than it did when I originally answered the door and my hands are trembling at my sides, but at least she shut the front door, so it's a little bit warmer in the apartment. "Are you okay?" The girl asks me, only taking her thumb away from her lips long enough to speak and then she's nibbling again.

Sincerely Luna RoseWhere stories live. Discover now