Part 1

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Part 1

Sale. A word most of the female population loved. But not me. For me, this one, four letter word, meant exhaustion, and at times, disaster. Females of almost every age turned into crazy monsters who were ready to kill if only they could get their desired item of clothing at the end of the day. They would strike, pull each other's hair, claw their way to get their hands on a particular shirt, skirt, or jacket. For me, the word sale meant war. War between women. Where women would stick together and battle men, during a sale, women would become each other's worst enemies.

"Would you hurry up with my items!" A lady, who looked to be in her mid-twenties wearing a beige dress, snapped at me in an Italian accent as I finished putting her dresses in the bag.

"Here you go, Ma'am, have a nice day," I told her with a fake smile. She huffed and hurried out of the store, while another lady took her place. I quickly checked out her items which were 15 to be total, took the money from her and bid her goodbye.

On and on it went. One lady after another, and there were probably a hundred more still looking around the store and plenty of women who were entering the store in order to take advantage of the flat 70% off sale.

"Ciao sis," came a loud, obnoxious voice that had me wishing I was anywhere but here right now.

"What do you want, Kelsey? Can't you see I'm busy here?" I turned to see my twin sister with a frown on my face.

"I came here to see my lovely sister, who is my favorite person in the whole world," Kelsey chirped, causing me to roll my eyes at her ridiculous attempts to butter me up.

"Kels, I'm not going to use my employee discount on you while there is already a 70% discount on all things," I told her, while folding up five dresses and carefully sliding them inside the bag.

"But Maril, I want that blue dress and I can't spend that much money because I'm saving for a car," Kelsey whined in protest.

"Not my problem, Kelsey," I told her while continuing to deal with all the customers as efficiently as possible.

"Please, Maril, please, for your only sister in the world, for your only family," Kelsey pleaded using the magic words that always worked on me.

"Alright fine, go get the blue dress, but don't even think about cutting the line, you stand at the back," I relented, resulting in Kelsey punching the air, enjoying her small victory.

The rest of the my afternoon passed with me handling and checking out items while dealing with one customer after another. While listening to Kelsey begging me to buy her more clothes with my employee discount.

Finally, at around 2:00 pm the shop closed temporarily for lunch break. I thanked God for this one hour break as I was ready to drop. Even though I was on my feet majority of the day, but standing at one spot for five straight hours could be exhausting.

"Kelsey, go get me something to eat," I told me sister who rummaged in her bag and took out a cling wrapped chicken sandwich-my favorite. Just looking at the sandwich had my stomach growling like a monster which was ready to fight for its next meal.

"Here you go, sis." Kelsey placed the sandwich in front of me on the counter making my stomach growl in appreciation.

I quickly tore the cling wrap off the chicken sandwich and took a hearty bite out of it. I closed my eyes in delight as the flavors of the delicious chicken sandwich touched my taste buds. I wished I could have this chicken sandwich forever.

After lunch break the shop reopened, dread filling my belly as a hoard of women barged in the shop eager to get as many clothes as quickly as possible. Soon, the first customer arrived holding a mountain of clothing items in her hands. I rolled my eyes and begun checking out her items.

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