Part 36

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Part 36

Severin Aresco was good at one thing; and that was the many ways he surprised me, left me speechless. He knew exactly how to shock me to my core, leaving me bewildered. He was a master at this.

I blinked my eyes, wondering if I was really dreaming, but no I wasn't. The cold wind entering through the window had me shivering, which was enough to tell me that this was anything but a dream. Severin really was here, in my room, on his knees in front of me, and he had just asked me to forgive him. Him kneeling in front of me felt surreal and I couldn't see him like this. Severin was powerful, and he was born to sit on a throne, not kneel in front of his wife.

This means you have all the power, don't be stupid about it.

"Severin, get up," I ordered softly.

"Not until you forgive me," he replied.

It shoud've made me feel powerful seeing Severin begging for my forgiveness, but all it did was make me feel was strange; like the whole scenario was wrong. I never pictured Severin on his knees, and now that he was, I couldn't handle it.

"Okay okay, I forgive you, please get up now," I pleaded.

Severin blinked his eyes a couple of times, a gesture I found adorable. "You mean it?"

"Yes, now please get up and come sit here." I patted the bed.

He really was a supernatural being. One second he was on the floor, and the next he was sitting on the bed in front of me. Before I could say anything, Severin took my hands in his and pressed a firm kiss on both of them.

"Now, I have planned this for a long time, so don't ruin it, got it?" He searched my eyes, waiting for me to agree.

"Okay?" I said, feeling unsure.

"Right, I am not going to apologize for I did to you. For kidnapping you; for introducing you to my pets; for marking you; and I'm not even sorry for making you think your sister was dead. I admit that making you think your sister was dead was an asshole move, and I should've thought of away to get rid of your twin in a less...torturous manner, but I didn't."

Okay, this guy had no idea what apologizing meant. And if he was thinking that I would forgive him then he had another thing coming.

"Severin, I thought you were going to apologize." I pointed out.

"Precious, don't ruin this, just stop talking for a few minutes and once I'm finished you can speak," he ordered.


Severin took a deep breath. "Right, so yes, I'm not sorry for the things I did to make you mine and thst includes forcing you to marry me." I had no idea where he was going with this and how exactly was he apologizing to me when he was not even apologizing. And when he handed me the bear, it only served to leave me more befuddled.

The bear was pure white and was medium sized. Two glossy marbles made up the eyes and where the chest of the bear was, there were two stuffed, red hearts made up of some sort of a glossy material. The lower heart was slightly overlapping the top heart. The curve of the bottom heart overlapped the tip of the top one. There was some sort of an Italian enscription embroidered on both the hearts in white. It was an extremely cute bear.

"But." Severin paused and eyed the bear. "Press the lower heart, gem," he commanded gently.

Hesitantly I pressed the lower heart and gasped when I heard Severin's voice. "I'm sorry." It was coming through the bear, making it seem as if the bear was speaking.

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