Part 8

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Part 8

The buzzing of the gun stopped and I opened my eyes. Severin placed the tattoo gun on the side table and looked at my chest with a smile on his face.

"Now you're mine for eternity," he murmured softly and immediately began bandaging the tattooed area.

"You can own my body, but you can never own my mind, heart and soul," I retorted bitterly, watching as Severin carefully bandaged the top of my left breast.

"That's where you're wrong, gem," he kissed me softly, "Since I own your body now the rest of the things will soon follow, soon you'll be mine, and you'll be happy about it, too," he stated confidently, continuing to bandage my new tattoo.

"I wish I'd die before I'll be happy about being yours," I retorted, trying my best not to let the tears pooling in my eyes fall.

"Don't talk like that, precious," he kissed me again, "I'll punish you the next time you talk about dying," Severin warned.

He got up from where he sat on top of me and began putting the tattoo equipment back in the drawer. His actions and the small smile on his face indicated that he was happy, and that put me on edge.

"What do you look so happy about?" I asked him with a frown.

"I got a new property, why wouldn't I be happy?" he asked as if my question was stupid.

"I'm not your property," I snapped anger bubbling in my core.

"As of a few minutes ago you became my property," Severin stated making me want to claw at his perfect face.

"What?! No I didn't. Just because you tattooed me doesn't mean I'm your damn property," I seethed.

"Oh kitten, did you know I tattooed the words Property of Severin above your breast, so that officially makes you my property," Severin informed me.

All my retorts died in my throat upon hearing those words. With trembling fingers I gently touched the freshly bandaged area as unwanted tears fell from my eyes. My breaths begun coming in pants as I dug my nails in the bandage. With a hysterical scream, I ripped the bandage off me and began clawing at the fresh ink.

Instantly a pair of strong, warm hands grabbed a hold of my wrists preventing me from scratching Severin's mark off me. I screamed like a banshee and thrashed around the bed wanting to get rid of every single mark on my body made by that deranged psychopath.

"Let me go!" I shrieked, trying to break free of the vice-like grip.

"Maril, relax," Severin ordered harshly but I was too far gone to listen to anything he had to say.

"No, no no, get away from me, I hate you!" I continued kicking and thrashing but I only succeeded in exhausting myself.

Severin pushed me on the bed and tied my wrists together with a thin metal chain, then locked the chain against one of the bedposts. When I laid there not screaming or kicking around, Severin quickly got the bandages and hurriedly covered the tattoo.

There was a soft knock at the door just as Severin covered my body with the duvet. He got up from the bed and strode over to the door and opened it. A lady who looked to be in her mid-twenties entered rolling in a trolley filled with various assortments of foods. She had blonde hair and was dressed in all black. Rolling the trolley next to the bed she gave a small bow to Severin then left the room.

"Come on, get up you need to eat something, get some energy in yourself," Severin commanded softly.

Not having the will or energy to fight I reluctantly raised myself to a sitting position, my back against the headboard. My wrists were tied with the chain in front of me, which was a good thing because if they were tied behind me I would've had a hard time getting up.

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