Part 6

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Part 6

My eyes slowly opened. I found myself lying on my front as the sunlight streamed through the window. The covers felt soft on my skin. Frowning, I realized I was naked from the waist up, a fact that quickly had my frown turning into a full on glare.

The bastard!

I squinted my eyes but confusion took over my mind when I felt something rough on the left side of my face. I tried to touch my face to see what was causing my skin to feel taut and stretchy, but I couldn't move my hands. I raised my head a little to see my hands tied up with rope which was knotted on the corner bedpost.

That son of a b!tch!

I knew struggling would be pointless, so I just stayed still and waited for someone to come and untie me. Although, I did look around for something sharp to cut the rope with, but I knew Severin wouldn't be stupid enough to leave something sharp lying around me.

Fortunately I didn't have to wait long as after a few minutes the door of my bedroom opened. At first I couldn't see who entered as I was lying on my front, but after a while Severin's devilishly handsome face came into view.

"Rise and shine, gem," Severin said with a smile on his face.

"What the fuck did you do to me?!" I demanded throwing a withering glare at Severin.

"I made you mine," he stated smugly, making me wonder whether he enjoyed making my blood boil.

"The hell are you talking about?!" I usually didn't swear much, but I didn't know what it was about Severin that had me swearing like a sailor.

"I tattooed your face and your back," he paused letting the revelation sink in, "and now the whole world will know you belong to me; now no one will take you away from me," he told me with a sexy grin. A grin I was itching to slap off his face.

Tears of anger and frustration welled in my eyes. And without meaning to, I begun thrashing around the bed, doing my best to break out of the rope that was restraining me. It was at this moment I wished I possessed some sort of a super power so I could use it on Severin and escape from this make shift version of hell.

He had no right, no right to mark me like this. He had not only taken away my free will, he had taken away my identity-what made me, me. By tattoing my body, he had stripped me off my identity-my person and made me his. By tattooing my body he had reduced me to a slave, a property. By tattooing me, he had reduced me to nothing.

"Stop that, you're going to hurt yourself," Severin chided with a small frown on his face. He put a hand on my wrists to stop me from struggling against the rope.

"Don't touch me! Get away from me, you heartless monster! You are nothing but a monster! You deserve to rot in hell, I hate you!" I screeched like a banshee, tears streaming down my face; anger and hatred bubbling in my core for the monster that was currently gloating over the fact that he had stripped me off everything when I wasn't conscious.

"Calm down, precious, soon you'll get used to it. I know you find it difficult right now, but I assure you, you will get used to it, you'll get used to being mine," he explained, but I was too far gone to listen to his bullsh!t.

"Go fuck yourself, you narcissistic animal! Don't you get it, I don't want to be yours, I would rather die than be yours!" I cried, begging for him to understand, to let me go.

Severin didn't say anything for a minute. His sudden silence made me wonder what was going on inside his evil head. But, his voice, so loud and so heart-stoppingly scary, I nearly jumped out of my skin when he spoke.

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