Part 4

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Part 4

Almost immediately, the drug started taking effect. My limbs became heavy—too heavy for me to move them. Soon, my limbs were not my own. I just laid there, staring at the glass tank containing one of the world's most deadliest creatures in horror. I wanted to kick, punch, run, but all I was capable of doing was stare at the poisonous scorpions.

"Say hello to my friends, precious," Severin told me with a sadistic smile.

He carefully dipped his hand inside the tank and pulled out a creepy, black scorpion. Fear wrapped its tendrils around my heart, suffocating me. If the tranquilizer hadn't already paralyzed my body, I was sure the sight of the cruel, eight legged beast would have.

"This is Veleno," he told me, looking at the ugly creature with reverance and awe.

Severin held  the scorpion between his thumb and two of his fingers. The scorpion curled and uncurled its legs, making me want to throw up. Desperation clawed inside me, wanting nothing more than to break through the prison of the tranquilizer my body was currently under. But I was stuck.

"I have a certain...obsession with scorpions; collecting scorpions of every breed in existence is sort of a...hobby of mine," he said as if sharing a secret with a friend.

"Really, I thought your hobby was to kill people," I mocked, but my eyes narrowed when I didn't get the reaction that I expected.

Severin chuckled in amusement. "That is also one of my hobbies, gem, but I have decided to let you in on this little hobby of mine, my obsession," he told me, bringing the scorpion closer to me, my heart banging against my ribcage.

"Don't worry, gem, Veleno wouldn't hurt you—atleast, not so much. Veleno's venom isn't harmful, per se, but the sting will be painful," Severin said softly.

"Severin, don't do this," I said, terror dripping from my words.

"Why not, kitten? You asked for it; you shouldn't have pissed me off," Severin whispered darkly, making me wish that somehow my heart would choose that moment to stop, to put me out of my misery, but no, the stupid organ just kept beating and beating.

"Anyways, I think you and Veleno should get acquainted. By the way, Veleno has a special interest in a women's breasts. He always chooses a women's breast to bite; however, I love the harsh cry the women emit, when their sensitive breasts are bitten—it's like music to my ears, so I don't particularly mind whenever Veleno attacks a women's breast" Severin informed me.

Terror stabbed my core, spreading its icy venom through my body. Severin carefully placed the grotesque scorpion on my stomach. I wanted to back away—to run far away, but the God forsaken drug kept me frozen. Tears gathered in my eyes, and I let them fall without any shame, because I was ready to do anything to make Severin remove the vile creature from my body, even if it meant breaking apart.

"Please, get it off me, please," I begged as tears streamed from my eyes in rivulets.

Severin propped himself on his elbow, looking down at me as if we were lovers sharing pillow talk in bed. The smug smile only fueled my hatred towards the vile owner of the equally disgusting creature that was slowly crawling over me, only a few centimeters away from my breasts.

"Your begging pleases me greatly, bella, but I want you to learn your lesson, so next time you'll know that you need to be compliant—submissive towards me and my wishes," Severin said, gently brushing my bangs from my forehead.

"Submissive and compliant, are you out of your mind?! What world do you live in, you disgusting, vile man?" I spitted out, my eyes blazing.

Severin's eyes narrowed at my sudden outburst followed by a dark chuckle. "Veleno is almost at his destination." My eyes followed to where he was looking at the obsidion insect with unshed pride. Damn him.

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