Part 10

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Part 10


I buttoned up my shirt with a smile on my face. Finally, Maril was all mine. People should know that when I wanted something, I would do anything to get it. Maril, might've learned that the hard way. But at least she learned. Now she would finally submit to me; just the thought of her lying under me while I pounded in her made me painfully hard.

Glancing at the bed through the mirror had me smiling. Maybe I'll take her here, in my room on my bed. Yes, that would be perfect. I'll go to her room and bring her here and make her mine once and for all.

The door opened and Severon walked in looking grim.

"Hai la porti nella sua stanza?" I asked, drying my hair with a towel. (Did you take her to her room?)

"Sì, ma posso solo dire che hai fatto un errore," he replied. (Yes, but can I just say that you made a mistake)

I shook my head. "No fratello, non commettere errori," I told him. (No brother, I don't make mistakes)

"Beh che ci crediate o no, hai una cazzata, grande tempo," Severon retorted, his words shaking my beliefs and confidence. (Well believe it or not, you've fucked up, big time)

I did the right thing, I know I did. Maril needed to be taught a lesson. She needed to be taught that she was my property and she had to submit.

"Ancora una volta, non mi fuck up, non ha mai fatto mai. Aveva bisogno di essere un una lezione," I responded smoothly. (Once again, I don't fuck up, never did never will. She needed to be a taught a lesson)

"Severin, lei è umana, non può gestire questo tipo di tortura!" Severon shouted angrily. (Severin, she is human, she can't handle this kind of torture)

"Hai ragione, lei è umana, ma lei è la mia umana e una qualità che il mio umano possiede è la forza; lei è forte, fratello, so che lei è," I told him, throwing the towel away. (You're right, she is human, but she is my human and one quality that my human possesses is strength, she is strong, brother, I know she is)

"Te ne pentirai questo," he warned, but his words weren't going to faze me. (You'll regret this)

"Come sta la sorella?" I enquired, wanting to change the subject. (How's the sister?)

"Oh, quella che aveva ucciso?" he sneered making me roll my eyes. Severon could be such a child sometimes. (Oh, the one you had killed)

"Basta che mi rispondere, voglio andare e trascorrere del tempo con la mia ragazza," I ordered impatiently; wanting to fuck Maril. (Just answer me, I want to go and spend some time with my girl)

"E 'esattamente come l'hai lasciata," he responded drily, his words annoying me. (She is exactly how you left her)

"Non ho tempo per questo, ho intenzione di vedere la mia donna," I muttered, irrtated, before turning on my heels and leaving my room. (I don't have time for this, I'm going to see my woman)

Just as I neared the door of my bedroom, Severon's words stopped me. "I Addamis sono sempre di nuovo attivo." (The Addamis are getting active again)

I frowned as a spark of anger ignited in me. "Sono passati dieci anni," I gritted out. (It's been ten years)

"Sì, sto solo dicendo che non possiamo abbassare la guardia, soprattutto ora," Severon calmly replied. (Yes, I'm just saying we can't let our guard down, especially now)

"Bene farli venire, muoio dalla voglia di finire tutti in ogni caso," I muttered, imagining different scenarios of wiping the Addami race from this world. (Well let them come, I'm dying to finish them all anyway)

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