Part 22

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Part 22

Placing the sandwiches in the basket, I closed the lid. Wiping my hands on the apron, I went over to the sink to properly wash my hands. Severin was going to be here any minute, and if he saw me with dirty hands and flour dusted face, he was not going to be happy.

Last night, Severin told me that we were going to go on a picnic. What surprised me was that the big, bad Mafia leader wanted to go on a picnic. I had burst out laughing which did not do me any good, as it reulted in Severin flipping me on my front and taking me from behind repeatedly until I had begged him to stop. Suffice is to say, that now I would never dare laugh at Severin Aresco—the man had the power to take away my ability to walk.

"You ready?" Severin asked. I nearly jumped at hearing his voice, I did not hear him come in.

"Yes, just need to go wash my face," I responded, untying the apron and putting it on the counter.

"Okay, I'll have the maids take the things to the car, you go clean up," Severin told me.

"Okay, I'll be back in five minutes. By the way is Severon coming?" I questioned. It had been two weeks since Severon had come back from his private island. Two weeks since he had taken my blood, which he hadn't told me the results of, which had me believing that I was completely fine just like I had stated before.

"No, this picnic is for us, I don't want anyone to interfere. I want to spend some quality time with you and don't want Severon being the third wheel." Severin caressed my cheek.

"We had spend quality time for the past two months—" I trailed off as the amount of time I had been here hit me with full force.

It had been two months since Kelsey and I were kidnapped. Two months since Severin tortured me into submission. Two months since Severin had killed Kelsey. Two months since Severin had been fucking my brains out day and night, while I should've been plotting his brother's demise.

Closing my eyes, I let guilt and regret wash over me. I felt like the worst sister ever, who had been too busy fucking the enemy when I should've been utilizing my time into destroying him.

Has your plan of making Severin fall in love with you worked?

I don't know! I hope it works.

Looks like your plan has backfired.

No, I couldn't let that happen. I couldn't fall in love with Severin. It would not be fair to Kelsey. I had to stay strong and not give in.

Looks like you already have. You're already falling for Severin, and falling hard. Caring about him; worrying about him, if that's not love than what is? My subconscious really knew how to make me feel like shit.

But I would not let it happen. I had to stay strong and plan the perfect revenge. Only then would I be happy. That was the only way to avenge my sister. I just needed the perfect plan.

"Jewel, are you listening?" Severin snapped his fingers, bringing me out of my thoughts.

"Yes, sorry, did you say something?" I could not let Severin know what I was thinking.

"I said, go and change, we're going to be late," he answered.

Nodding my head, I took off in the direction of Severin's bedroom to wash my face. After I was done cleaing up, I put on a pair of sandles and trotted down the stairs.

Severin was already standing next to the car while one of the maids was putting the basket and a cooler in the trunk of the car. Once all the things were placed inside the trunk, Severin closed the trunk, then opened the door for me to get inside.

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