Part 20

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Part 20

Severin immediately sprang into action. Opening the car door, Severin scooped me up in his arms and gently deposited me in the car before slamming the door shut. When I heard the tattle tale sound locks clicking into place my heart went into overdrive. Severin did not get inside the car with me, instead ran off in the direction of the gunshots with his men following behind.

I tried to peer through the car window but since the glass was heavily tinted, I couldn't make out much detail, but I could see people running about, protecting their loved ones.

More shots were fired. Everytime I heard the sound of gun fire my heart gave a sudden jolt, fearing for Severin's safety. I didn't understand why I was so worried about the insane man who had kidnapped me, tortured me, and killed my sister, but I was. I tried to rationalize this thought by believing that the only reason I was feeling this way was because I wanted to be to the one who destroyed Severin, not anyone else.

Sure, keep thinking that, eventually you'll start to believe it, my subconscious stated sarcastically, making me wish she didn't exist in the first place.

Ignoring the annoying voice at the back of my mind, I tried to kick the windows, attempting to break them so I could get out and go to Severin, making sure he was alright. But no matter how much I kicked or punched the glass did not crack. I was left to worry about Severin in the confines of the car.

Sending a silent prayer to God above to keep Severin safe, I slumped back onto the leather seats and hoped for the best. My fingers begun wringing out of their own accord as thoughts of Severin hurt and bleeding begun plaguing my mind.

Severin was an idiot to leave me in the car like this. Didn't he understand that if I was there I would be able to protect him. I knew how to shoot, and I would have shot every single person who meant any harm to Severin. But no, he had to be stupid and leave me in the car.

Why are you so worried about him? You should be happy, now Severin's enemies are going to do your dirty work for you; there would be no blood on your hands, my sensible side spoke up.

No, he should not be hurt. You need him to be safe, right, because he makes you happy and shooting with him, eating with him, sleeping with him is exactly what makes you happy. So, he should be safe not hurt. You wouldn't survive without him, my insane, love-struck countered.

I need Severin to be safe, not because he makes me happy, but because I want to avenge my sister, and I would not let some Mafia freaks destroy who is mine to destroy, I shut both of my sides up.

The sound of gun fire was like a sick background music which stopped as abruptly as it had started. As soon as the horrendous music stopped, I glued my face to the window searching for Severin. Every time someone came into my line of sight I immediately hoped it was Severin, but my heart sunk a little every time I did not see the face of my captor.

After another excruciating few minutes of teeth grinding, hair pulling, and nail biting, the face I was eager to see finally came into view. My heart instantly came to life, pumping happiness and relief through my veins. Unexpected tears pricked my eyes, I blinked rapidly to push them back, I did not want Severin to see me like this, I was just happy he was back in one piece.

For you to destroy, right? My subconscious reminded me.

Yes, exactly, I agreed.

However, no sooner had the passenger side door opened and Severin slid inside that I launched myself at Severin, holding him tightly. Briefly, I heard the sound of door closing, but I did not care about the stupid door, all I cared about was that the man who was stupid enough to leave me in the car while he himself went off to fight God knows who, was alive and breathing.

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