Part 13

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Part 13

Turning off the tap, Severin got out of the tub. Quickly wrapping a towel around his waist, he gently pulled me out of the tub. Grabbing a white, fluffy robe from the cabinet, Severin helped me into the robe. He first slipped my right arm in the sleeve and then my left, after that he tied the robe with the belt. Once I was fully covered, Severin grabbed another towel and wrapped it around my head, letting the towel soak up the water in my hair. As soon as my head was covered, Severin scooped me up in his arms and strode out of the bathroom.

I thought once he reached the bed Severin would put me down, but he continued walking out of my bedroom and all the way to a room across the hall. My heart jumped in my throat as Severin kicked open the wooden door and strode inside.

I thought he was bluffing when he said I would sleep in his bed tonight. Oh God no, I couldn't handle it. I couldn't handle having my enemy so close to me; it would not help me in the least.

The bedroom was the biggest room I had seen in my entire life. The walls were painted a soft fawn color, while the ceiling looked to be made of expensive wood, with a beautiful chandelier hanging from the center with numerous tiny bulbs which were lit up, casting a soft glow on the bed. There were two floor to ceiling windows with wooden panes, and double glass doors which led to the balcony. A plush, cream sofa set was placed expertly in the room. In the center of the room sat a giant, king sized bed with plush fawn and light gray bedding, with side tables on either side of the bed holding a luxurious pair of lamps.

Without saying a word, Severin walked over to the giant, king sized bed and deposited me on it. Turning around, he walked to one of the two doors inside his bedroom and opened it. From where I was, all I saw were clothes and more clothes, which indicated that it was a walk-in closet.

Closing the door softly behind him, I was finally alone with my thoughts...for a couple of minutes. But in these couple of minutes about a hundred uncomfortable images flashed in my mind. Images of Severin controlling me, hurting me, and having his way with me. The last one had my blood chilling.

Before I could let those scary images take root in my mind, Severin returned wearing a pair of blue pyjamas; he was also holding a shirt in his hand, I wondered what that was for.

Severin put the shirt in front of me on the mattress then proceeded to remove the towel from head. I was about to protest until I remembered that I had to act broken, otherwise my plan wouldn't work. So keeping my mouth shut, I let Severin remove the towel from my head.

However, when Severin untied my robe, I jumped. It was like a reflex, instinctual, which had me cursing my body's reflexes. If I continued jumping and flinching away from him, he would surely know there was something wrong; and that could very well result in my plans going down the drain.

I was shocked, however, when Severin ignored my little instinctual jump and untied the robe, slipping it off my body. My whole body went on hyper alert when Severin's eyes darkened as he ran his gaze over my naked body.

Taking a hold of my shoulders in his big, warm hands, Severin gently pushed me down until I was lying flat on my back, my wide eyes staring at the expensive wooden ceiling. My heart started pounding as Severin looked down on me, the lustful expression not leaving his face.

"From now on you're going to be sleeping with me in my bed, naked," he told me.

My heart thundered against my chest as I let Severin's words sink in. Sleep with him? Naked? Was he crazy? I couldn't do that. I couldn't sleep with him, let alone sleep with him naked.

Severin must've seen the turmoil on my face because he added, "I don't trust you right now, that's why you're going to be sleeping naked, once you earn my trust, then I'll give you the privelege of sleeping with clothes on, but for now, you'll be sleeping naked."

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