Part 32

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Part 32

My eyes couldn't move. Hell, I couldn't move, my whole being was focused on the man standing at the threshold of my bedroom. I couldn't believe it, he was actually alive. Breathing.

Severon Aresco was leaning against the door frame, eyeing Kelsey and I. He looked good, not like he had just been shot by his sister-in-law in cold blood. No, he looked as if he was ready for a walk in the park.

Once the initial shock wore off, a tidal wave of fear engulfed me, drowning me in its dark depths. If Severon survived the gun shot wound, then he would surely want revenge. And since these brothers had a sick way of extracting their revenge, I had a feeling that I was about to die...very soon.

With a soft smile, Severon entered my bedroom. He gave me a once over before his eyes landed on Kelsey. His eyes darkened and a strange look entered those piercing golden irises; a look I was unable to decipher, but it had Kelsey's face turning a deep shade of crimson.

"Leave us," he ordered Kelsey.

Kelsey opened her mouth to argue, but shut it as soon as Severon narrowed his eyes at her. Even though I did not know Severon as well as I knew his twin, I could still see the threat in his eyes as he stared at Kelsey.

With fearful eyes and a defeated sigh, Kelsey stood up. Giving me an apologetic look, she shuffled out of the room, leaving me and my soon-to-be executioner alone. I was glad that Kelsey was gone, I did not want Severon to hurt her.

Severon sat down on the bed across from me. My heart went from throbbing to pounding against my ribcage, trying to break my ribs. Dread filled my stomach like a pile of heavy rocks, weighing me down. I knew he was going to kill me.

"How are you?" Severon asked.

I jumped at hearing his voice. Why was he being so nice? Was he asking me about my health because he wanted to know what would be the best way to kill me? Maybe I should tell him I'm pregnant. No, he already knew that, and I did not want to endanger my baby's life.

"Fine," I replied, finding it difficult to speak.

Severon frowned. "Are you sure? You look pale." He observed.

"Yeah, because I can't help being shocked when people keep coming back from the dead," I responded.

Severon chuckled. "Right, well I'm sorry to tell you but that bullet missed my heart by a couple of inches, which is why I'm alive and sitting here in front of you," he replied.

Relief and guilt flooded me when Severon told me this. I was happy that he was alive and feeling guilty because I nearly killed an innocent, all because I wanted revenge for my sister, who was alive.

"I—I'm so sorry." I sobbed, feeling tears trickling down my eyes. "I know you're going to kill me now, but I just want you to know that if I had known that Kelsey was alive, I would've never done what I did. I'm so sorry," I apologized.

Instantly, I was surrounded by warmth as Severon hugged me. His actions took me by surprise. Why was he hugging me? He was going to kill me so why was he being so nice?

"Hey, relax, I'm not going to kill you, not at all, star fish," Severon said, rubbing my back in a soothing manner.

I looked up to him. "You're not?" I questioned. I had to make sure what I heard was right.

"No, of course not. Why would you think I will kill you?" He queried.

"Because I tried to kill you. I shot you in cold blood," I stated the obvious.

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