Part 35

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Part 35

As soon as my husband left and his twin entered my room, I stormed towards him and punched him square in the jaw. Severon strumbled a little before regaining his balance. I stood there fuming at my brother-in-law, getting ready to throw another punch.

"What was that for, star fish?" Severon asked bewildered.

"For hurting Severin. Why did you punch him?" I demanded to know.

Severon shook his head with a chuckle, an amused glint in his eyes. "I punched Severin in order to knock some sense into him. He whipped Kelsey and nearly scared you to death by almost electrocuting you. So I punched him and made him realize what he did was insane," Severon answered.

I stood staring at him, dumbfounded. I couldn't believe that Severon would hurt his own brother just because Severin hurt me and Kelsey. Why couldn't I have a real brother like Severon?

"Oh." I ran my fingers through my hair as needles of guilt pricked my heart. "Right. Sorry about that. I just can't stand anyone hurting Severin, but you did it for a good reason. I'm sorry," I apologized sheepishly.

Severin shook his head with a smile before wrapping his arms around me. "It's all good, star fish. Apology accepted. Although, I must say, Severin is one lucky motherfucker to get a girl like you," Severon said.

"He is a wonderful husband. Even though I hadn't exactly seen Severin's husband side—the little bit that I have seen uptil now...well I love it." I told him.

"By the way, Severin is smiling like an idiot right now. And that's saying something as he had been acting like beast which had broken through the gates of hell itself these past few days. You tamed the beast, star fish." Severon ruffled my hair in a brotherly manner.

"I just brushed my hair!" I complained, while secretly loving the brotherly way in which Severon was treating me.

"You can brush them again." Severon took his phone out of his pocket, checked it before slipping it back in the confines of his jeans. "I gotta run, star fish, your husband wants me to go shopping." Severon grimaced.

"You don't like shopping?" I asked rhetorically.

"Which man does?" He threw back before shaking his head in frustration.

"You don't have to go," I said.

"I don't really have a choice," Severon grumbled in reply.

"Why not?" I hurried back to my bed and picked up my snow globe again.

"Because then Severin wouldn't pay for my trip to Africa," Severon replied.

"Why does he need to pay for that? Don't you have your own money?" I questioned, shaking the snow globe while eyeing my bracelet.

"I do. But the bastard knows the password to our family vault in Africa and I need something from that vault. So if I don't do as he says, he won't give me the password." He told me.

"Why do you need the password to your family vault? And why don't you know the password? And what is in the vault that you need?" I queried, putting the snow globe back on the nightstand, while grabbing a hair tie.

"We have a lot of family jewels in the vault, and I need one of the pieces," Severon answered. "And only Severin knows the password because our father told him as he is the older brother."

"Oh. I see. Well, tell Severin you don't want to go shopping and if he says something then I'll help you. I'll talk to Severin for you," I stated.

"Thanks for the offer, star fish, but I got this. I'm a Mafia boss, a couple of hours of shopping won't hurt me," he stated, before giving me a smile and leaving my bedroom.

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