Part 30

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Part 30

I stood in front of a full sized mirror looking at my reflection as I prepared myself for the moment that would forever change my life—once again. Most women would be beaming and would be feeling like the luckiest women on Earth, but I only felt anxiety. I was marrying the man I love and I was terrified.

After Severin had told me to pick a date for our wedding, he left me in the cell and went to God knows where. Linda had come after twenty minutes and took me straight into a room in which I had never been before. It was one of the rooms in the mansion, complete with the furniture and all the other bedroom things, but it was not the gray room in which I had slept when I first came here and it was definitely not Severin's room where I had been sleeping for the past few weeks. This room was different, very different. As soon as I had entered the unfamiliar room, Linda left and locked the door behind her, leaving me in.

Once I was all alone, I had jumped on the bed and hid myself under the duvet, letting the tears flow. I couldn't believe what had happened. Severin had lied to me, told me that he had murdered my sister. I didn't think Severin could be this cruel as to lie to me about my only surviving family. I thought we were past all the lying and the torture, but apparently not.

I was too shocked to do anything but focus on the fact the sister who I believed was dead was in fact very much alive. And the man I had unknowingly given my heart to was the reason I was in so much pain right now. Not only had Severin lied to me about killing Kelsey, he had tortured her right in front of my eyes, telling me that it was all my fault.

Another tear fell as I thought about my actions. I only shot Severon because I wanted Severin to feel what I felt when he had shown me the video of Kelsey dying. If I had known that my sister was alive and safe, I would have never done that. Even though I had vowed to never like Severon, he had grown on me and I felt that he was the brother I never had but always wanted. Shooting him was not easy, but watching my sister die was not easy either.

How could he do this to me. He was being so sweet, so attentive, making me feel as if I was the only woman in his life. I was beginning to forgive him for all he had to done to me, although I hadn't quite forgiven him for tattoing his name on me, but I had started to forgive him. However, he betrayed me in the worst possible way. Severin thought I had betrayed him by siding with Roberto when he was the one who had crippled me with his betrayal, and I was never going to forgive him.

Once my crying had ceased I fell in a deep and restless sleep. The next day came and Linda brought me breakfast in my room. She did not look at me nor talked to me, just placed the tray filled with various assortments of food on the side nightstand before leaving. I had quickly finished breakfast, the feeling of having my stomach full after the crazy day I had was pure bliss.

As soon as I had finished breakfast, I used the bathroom then settled back in my bed and contemplated all the possible turns that my life could take. Severin had told me to decide a date for our wedding, but I had no intention of doing that. What he did was unforgivable, I was not going to pick a date for our wedding.

But as it was, I didn't have to. It was 11:00 am when Severin barged in my new room with another woman who looked as if she worked in a high-end fashion store. She was dressed formally with a ruffled blouse and a pair of slacks and high heels. Another woman entered wheeling what looked to be a mannequin covered with a plastic bag.

"This is your dress for the wedding, we will get married tomorrow at 11:00 am. Your stylists will be here at 8:00 am," he stated, his eyes void of emotion.

Anger sparked in my core at hearing his words. "You told me I was going to decide when we will get married." Did he not remember saying those words to me?

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