Part 37

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Part 37

I stood in front of the mirror, gazing at my reflection. I had a feeling that since I was pregnant, the dress would be tight on me, but it wasn't. It was tighter than the last time I wore it, but it was not constricting me. I eyed my tummy to see if I was already on my way to developing a baby bump, but I didn't think I was showing...much.

Just like Severin had requested, I was now wearing my wedding dress and waiting for Severin to come and take me from this blue room. Severin had left way before I had woken up, leaving a small letter for me which told me not to forget to wear my wedding dress today. To say I was blushing like a virginal bride would be an understatement.

It was true that I have had sex before, but it did not come remotely close to what I had with Severin. Sex with him was like leaving this world for a while, lost in blissful oblivion. It was earth shattering; mind blowing, and perfect. It was safe to say that after Severin, I was never going to feel the same way for anyone. Severin Aresco had ruined me for any and every man. No other man would be able to satisfy me like Severin could.

The door of my room opened and Kelsey barged in, looking crazier than usual. She was dressed up in a way that looked as if rainbow threw up on her. Her dress, which reached her mid-thighs was strapless and rainbow colored. Even her shoes and jewelry were in the colors of the rainbow. Her hair was tied in a stylish updo.

"Wow, the stylists did an amazing job on you, Maril. I must say, though your dress is gorgeous, it's so boring." She rolled her eyes.

I twisted my face and gave her a you-are-weird look. "The dress is beautiful and I love it. And what the hell is wrong with you? Why are you dressed like a rainbow?" I went back to looking myself in the mirror, making sure everything was all right.

Kelsey twirled before grinning at me. "Do you like it? It cost me a lot of money,"she said.

"It looks ridiculous," I snapped.

"No it doesn't! Your dress is ridiculous because it's so boring. I mean white! That's it, one color?! I'm telling you, when I get married, I'm going to wear a colorful dress. All of the colors in the world are going to be in that dress," she stated.

"You said this dress cost you a lot of money, I thought you were saving money for a car." I wondered when Severin was going to come to pick me up.

"Fuck the cars! This dress was too beautiful to pass up. By the way, you know, I showed Severin this dress and told him that since I couldn't be your maid of honor the last time, I will be your maid of honor this time. And you know what he said? He said, that he will not allow a walking talking highlighter to be the maid of honor of his wife. Like fuck my color pencils, that's not fair. Severin is so boring, he can use a little color in his life. I wish you guys have a girl, then he'll be forced to buy colorful clothes," Kelsey ranted.

Not being able to control myself, I burst out laughing. Kelsey was unbelivable. Her obsession with colors knew no bounds. There was not a single thing that Kelsey owned that was monochrome. She refused to buy anything that didn't have at least five colors in it.

"Oh I forgot to tell you. You know, Severin came and gave me a whole bakset of colorful things and said that now I must forgive him. And you know what I did, I made him paint my room with all the colors of the rainbow." I stared at Kelsey with wide eyes, not believing her. "Yes, I'm telling the truth. Severin painted my room, just so I could forgive him, isn't that sweet. Oh, I wish I get a man exactly like Severin." She got this dreamy look in her eyes as she said that.

After Kesley's news, I fell for Severin a little more. Not only did he earn my forgiveness—in his own unique way—he even earned Kelsey's forgiveness, and he had to do things that, I bet, he never thought of doing. My husband was dark and twisted. But he was perfect.

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