Part 33

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Part 33

"Heya sis, watcha doin'?" Kelsey asked in her usual cheerful manner.

"Nothing," I grumbled in response.

"Why so glum?" She enquired, the ridiculous smile not leaving her face.

"Cause I'm looking at you," I snapped.

"Oh, it's the pregnancy hormones talking, I see; Severin won't be happy to know that you're upset," she stated.

"I don't care, he's mad at me anyways," I muttered, glancing at the bracelet with the kitten charm on it, tears pricking my eyes.

"Is everyone like this during pregnancy or are you a special case?" Kelsey questioned.

"I don't know and I don't care," I snapped. Truth be told, I had no idea why I was feeling so low. Maybe it was the pregnancy hormones, or maybe it was Severin's absence that had me in such a foul mood. I mean, it was my fault I was holed up in this room away from my husband, but I can't give in—even though right now my heart wanted to throw all my beliefs and notions to the wind and just run to Severin and never let him go; but he needed to apologize first, and truly be sorry for his actions, only then would I allow myself to follow my heart and desires and love him with everything I have.

"You miss him, don't you?" Kelsey stated, sitting in a lotus position, facing me.

"This is so fucked up," I muttered, a tear slipping from the corner of my eye.

"What is?" She enquired.

"This. Us. Severin and fucked up." I took a deep breath and spilled my guts to my sister, my only family, and currently my best friend. "We weren't suppose to fall in love. But we did—at least I did, I don't know about him; and this is so fucked up. This is not normal. If anyone found out how Severin and I fell in love, they would send me to the nut house. How did this happen, Kelsey? How?" I sobbed, grabbing a pillow and crushing it to my chest.

"Oh that's easy. Only a few factors were involved and voila, you guys are now in love," she replied.

"What the hell are you talking about?" I asked, irritated.

"Well, you need five things to fall in love. Looks, which you both already have; a decent personality, you both have a bit of that...according to me; access to each other, which was obvious since you've been living together; similarity, both of you have some things in common; and I don't remember the fifth one. Then again, you can't help who you love," she answered like she knew all the deepest secrets of the world.

"What is this, psychology?" I grumbled in my pillow.

"Yup, basic psychology," she answered.

I breathed out a heavy sigh before smashing my face in the mattress. "This is fucked up," I repeated.

"Yes, but then again, it's you and Severin, so your love is bound to be crazy and fucked up," she responded.

"You don't find this crazy and utterly ludicrous?" I asked Kelsey.

"I'm crazy myself, so crazy things seem normal to me," she answered.

I wasn't sure whether to take her words in a positive or a negative way. But what I knew—what I was absolutely sure of, was that what Severin and I had, was not normal, and for some strange, crazy reason, I was perfectly okay with it, content even. Severin was not your average man, and would most definitely not someone who would starr in anyone's fairytale; but he was the hero in my fairytale. He was the dark knight in shining armor in my life. His men might've kidnapped me, but I could not deny the fact that Severin had saved my life, and had loved me and given me happiness in his unique way. Yes, he was not perfect, but neither was I. And maybe, we were perfect for each other because we were so imperfect on our own. We complemented each other in our own crazy way.

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