[4] New Friend

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 [4] New Friend

"C'mon, lets go." Emma murmured, pulling on her arm. "We wouldn't want them to see us staring and think we're feens or something."

Massie laughed, shaking her head thoughtlessly. "Pshh! Why not? I could care less." As if hearing her words, Sebastian's head snapped at her direction, and the moment he did, so did that of the rest of the boys'. Massie gave Emma a sideways glance, "Besides, I think they know we're staring at them already."

"Crap. What do we do now?" She panicked, her voice rising to a higher octave. Massie shook her head at her over-reactive behavior.

"Just wave and look pretty." Massie answered, giving them a nice smile and a cute wave. Emma nervously followed after her, however her smile was lined with worry.

And that's when Massie felt it, the aura that surrounded these people. Sure they were good looking, and obviously people had a liking to them, but there was that strange feeling when you were close to them.

Noah—the buff one—waved back, whereas the others just stared at them with a calculating gaze. Massie instantly noticed they weren't paying attention to Emma, but at her. Was her hair messed up? Was her zipper open? She was just about to ask them when Emma harshly pulled her away and took her to who-knows-where; all Massie knew was that the hall was not familiar.

"Oh gosh, how embarrassing, they probably think we're obsessed!" Emma droned, biting her lip so hard Massie winced, expecting blood to squirt from them at any given moment.

"Relax honey, we didn't murder anyone. What are you so worried about? You look like you're about to have a heart-attack." Massie combed her fingers through her hair to fix any unstable strands—that is, if there were any.

"Nothing, nothing. It's just. . . that was the most communication I've ever had with that group in my entire life." Her brown eyes were wide as she toyed with a paper in her hand endlessly.

"Really?" Massie eyed her cynically.

"Yeah," she admitted. "I mean, they're not mean or anything. Something about them though. . . it's weird." Emma shivered.

"Ehh, I get what you mean. Something about them is a bit odd, but I like it." Massie's eyes shined with wonder. "It's exactly what I came here for. The first thing I'm gonna do is figure them out, see what they're hiding."

Emma giggled, giving Massie an amused smile. "Your mind is a little too active. Sure there's something odd about them, but that doesn't mean they're hiding something from the world. It just comes with their package."

Massie was about to oppose, however, something in Emma's smile seemed cautioned, as if it was something she's told herself for a long time to feel secure. Noticing this, Massie simply nodded, as if everything Emma said made absolute sense to her. She wasn't going to disturb Emma's ignorance. After all, ignorance is bliss, and this meant she got the Cult Boys all to herself.

How selfish. How Massie.


"Independence," said Massie's shapeless English teacher Mrs. Ferguson. "What do you think when I say this word?"

"Crap." Massie murmured when her paper fell flat on her desk. She'd been trying to make the paper stand alone with it's thin edge for over ten minutes, and so far her efforts have been put to waste.

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