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Wolf Chase [24]

Massie closed her eyes as she added a final layer of hairspray to her tresses, freezing them into their spiral shape. Since early morning her hands had been hard at work for this glamorous look, craftily manipulating her hair with a curling wand. By now—an hour later—her arms felt heavy and strained, but the result was undeniably fantastic. Her shiny locks rippled behind her in luscious waves as she moved her head from side-to-side, they looked like the type to be in a hair commercial.

This was only the beginning. A thin layer of make-up was smoothed over her face, and she had been extremely mindful of keeping it light. The cakey look never suited her, and her clear skin didn't need much to hide, only a slight buffing to hide any unevenness. Her natural glow was subtly amplified by the latest highlighter, which for a moment she considered adding more to give Sebastian the ability to pinpoint her whereabouts by her blinding shine from any part of the halls, but she figured his other senses did a good enough job of that.

Her outfit consisted of a stylish two-piece with long bottoms that made her behind look like she's been doing squats since the start of her youth, and a top that showed a small sliver of her belly. As expected, her outfit included her favorite color by being purple and white striped; she added cute white wedges to match. Her foot finished healing three days ago, allowing her to get a much-needed pedicure and wear whatever footwear she liked. Truly, she was a sight for sore eyes, and she couldn't wait to show off her look at school, especially to see the reaction of a specific someone.

After spraying two pumps of her favorite perfume, she was good to go. Stepping out of her room she encountered Lydia who—unlike usual—actually stopped to take in her attire. If her sister was impressed, then this was a good sign.

"Wow, you really don't play games when it comes to your birthday," she said, slightly taken aback by her extreme efforts. Lydia wasn't the type to drawn much attention to herself, preferring to blend into the background and go otherwise unnoticed.

Massie shrugged. "Today is a very special day little sis. Not only am I eighteen, but I also have matura. Maybe this year I'll be getting a werewolf husband."

Massie wondered if going from premature to matura made her more irresistible than before, something that would be an appreciated advantage when dealing with a stoic male like Sebastian. She understood werewolf men were drawn to her because of it, yet it wasn't as though any had dropped on one knee to mate her. The majority of the Cult were just friendly and open to spending time with her. She was glad of this, although judging by her sister's negative reaction, Lydia wasn't receptive to her own possession of prematura.

Rather, she rolled her eyes, clearly put off by her prediction. "Go ahead and get your wereman, babymaker. Unlike you, I desire a future that doesn't tie me down to this place," she said distastefully.

Massie waved her hand dismissively. To each their own, who was she to dictate her sister's love life? Staying in Dark Falls did not sound like a bad thing to her. She very much liked it here.

"I'll be a great babymaker. A young, beautiful, happily married babymaker," she replied, purposely adding an extra-dose of fluff to make her sister more irritated.

Massie laughed heartily when Lydia stuck a finger in her throat and fake-gag. "I'll be waiting when you change your mind, living in my own upscale condo in the city making tons of money."

The birthday girl shook her head. Massie supposed being wealthy had its own appeal, at one point she did picture herself marrying a rich billionaire and being a house wife in one of those popular shows. However, she dated a rich kid once and was too put off by his delicate and needy character, she much preferred Sebastian's rough and raw persona over her previous suitor.

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