Extra 1- Fluffy Love

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Extra 1 – Fluffy Love

"Oh great, look at her, just like her mother." Sebastian grumbled, staring at his six-year-old daughter in deep dismay as she clung to the older werechild.

Beside him his wife was laughing. Massie felt her daughter really was like herself—once she picked the boy she liked she stuck to him like a leech. "She's so cute!" Then, deciding to address the situation before Sebastian did something drastic, she called out to her. "Milania! Why are you bothering poor Luke!"

"But mommy!" The little girl wailed, still clutching the young boy with all her might. Her wavy hair was in disarray from all the exertion to stay attached to him. "He said he doesn't want to play with me!"

Luke, though only eight years old sighed with a wisdom that preceded his age. He continued to try to pluck off the little girl gently. "Mila, I told you we'll play later. You can't join us now because it's boys only. You joined last time and got hurt. I don't want you to cry again."

"No, no, no!" She cried, refusing to let go.

Sebastian rubbed his temples. The idea of his little girl infatuated at only six was enough to make him irate. What would it be like when she was older? How many men would he have to scare away? At least she favored Luke, who was a good kid in his eyes. Within seconds he snatched his daughter off and placed her over his shoulders. The little girl pulled her daddy's hair in displeasure. "Put me back down!"

Sebastian ignored her and gestured Luke with a tilt of his head in the direction of the other boys. "You can go ahead Luke."

Immediately he ran to join the others, a wide smile on his face. Massie knew that would only be the first of Sebastian's intervening with the kind of daughter they had in their hands.


At eleven years old Milania grew concerned she wasn't "cool" enough to hang out with Luke anymore. He had so many friends he could barely hang out with her now. They did cool things, like jump off high distances into the lake nearby. They even got to play with the dirt bikes!

"It's okay sweetie. Daddy gives you permission to treat all boys like they're dogs with cooties." Her father said, typing away in his study.

Milania gave him a look. "Daddy, cooties don't exist." She groused. She then turned to her mother for what to do, as she always had the best advice.

Massie put a finger on her chin. "Well, how about this full week you help me and grandma with the gardening instead of hanging out with Luke."

Milania frowned, not liking the prospect of losing time with her crush. "Why would I do that?" She wanted to spend more time with Luke, not less.

"I'll tell you a secret. If you leave boys alone for a little bit, they start to miss you more."

Her eyes shined. "Really?!"

Her mother kissed her forehead. "It's worth a try."

And so it was. For the next seven days Milania followed her mother and grandmother into the flower fields and helped aunt Kristen with some herbs. It was quite wonderful, as the flowers gave an amazing fragrance and she was able to learn a few things about healing.

Once next week rolled around, she would have totally forgotten about going back to spending time with Luke except as she was reaching her room she found him at the door.

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