[41] The Answer is 'No'

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A/N: Thank you @Literature_Addict for the cool drawing of Sebastian!! ^^^ I can't draw for my life, glad some people can :D

[41] The Answer is 'No'

The next morning Massie woke up to a short text message.

Can I pick you up after school?

The heart emojis and kissy faces next to his name mocked her. Ugh, gross. With a quick flick of her fingers, his contact became a simple, emoji-less 'Sebastian'. Pleased with the result, she then responded.

Massie: No.

The gentle swoop let her know the message was sent. Within seconds, a ding made her look back at her phone.

Sebastian: Why not?

Massie rolled her eyes and left him on read. Because she didn't feel like it, duh. Preparing for school was hassle-free. Neither Lydia nor her mother occupied the bathroom when she went, allowing her to finish with time to spare. With the bite mark gone from her neck (curtesy of Sebastian's licks) her back-to-school selection became a wider variety of clothes. She settled for a simple sweater, dangled some earrings and left.

In school she purposely remained around Emma or Lily, they were the ideal barrier against speaking with the Cult. She didn't have anything against them, she loved them dearly, but the least she needed was excess attention and questions coming from her friends as to why they were suddenly so close to her.

Before, she would have lavished on their awe, considering herself proud for proving the nay-sayers wrong (Emily, to be more specific). Now...she wanted to keep their close association under wraps. Not only because they were bound to ask unending questions she couldn't answer, but because she was trying to recover from Sebastian. Aside from her sister and his friends, she didn't want anyone else to know what went down between them. It was best to forgive and forget.

What she didn't account for was Sebastian's own plans. So when social studies came around, she thought no further of his figure sitting in his regular spot in front of her. His footsteps were met with heavy anticipation by the females in class. Wistful sighs and doe-like eyes fixated on his masculine form. Still, no one dared approach him and start conversation. He gave no indication that he noticed their attention, most likely didn't care.

Massie almost cursed when she saw him. She sat in her usual seat because she was not one to scamper like an injured dog. But why did he have to wear a white shirt today?! That was her favorite color on him! The wereman probably picked the first thing he saw this morning, now she had to deal with extreme self-control to keep her eyes off him.

It makes his eyes look brighter, and his bronze skin more glorious.

The purple eyed beauty forced her eyes down, pretending to proof-read the essay she edited over five times. There were no errors to be found, but she'd keep herself distracted with this in the meantime. Unfortunately, because her editing wasn't genuine, her ears were open to the chatter between the Oh-My-Gosh duo three desks down.

"Oh my gosh," the first one started, "he's wearing black boots today! It gives him...a strong worker appeal, don't you say?"

"Of course!" the second one agreed. "And oh my gosh—look, he's even wearing matching black socks! He's dependable, I knew it!"

"I always knew that about him!" The other one gushed, holding a hand to her heart. "If you pay close attention, he's wearing a white shirt today. My horoscope says people with white shirts have transparent personalities." She puckered her lips and nodded as if she just informed her friend the biggest insider.

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