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Wolf Chase [26]

"Ow...ouch...OW! Woman I am in pain!" Noah whined, pulling away from her hand slightly.

Massie laughed, finding much humor in his pain. All men were strong and tough until they were faced with a tweezer on their eyebrows. Weremen were no different. She had been meticulously pulling on Noah's slight unibrow—which due to her excellent work was no longer there thank you very much.

"There, you are now officially finished." She said, tapping on the head currently laid on her lap. It was for easy access and his comfort, but even laying down did not help him stay calm throughout the whole ordeal.

"THANK GOODNESS! I've now officially survived torture!" Noah got up and went to a nearby mirror hung on the wall. "I will say though, I do like the work you did here princess."

Massie pat herself on the back. Of course she did a great job, what else could be expected from a talented hair plucker such as herself? The men finished their vigorous training earlier and one by one they entered the living room to play some fighting video game she could care less about. Over the last few days, it's become custom for Sebastian to pull her aside after her last class and take her to his house. He had not yet told her why he did this, but she easily took it in stride. While the men were outside training, she did her homework and studied. When they finished, she hung out with the Cult.

"Sebastian, I'll do your eyebrows next." Massie offered, seeing him enter the living space. She stood and drew closer to him, shaking her tweezer in front of him. He was fresh from a shower and looked as handsome as ever in comfortable sweats and a white T-shirt—a color she's come to love when it was on him. Sigh. If only he could be hers.

He looked at the tweezer in her hand as if it were an offensive object. "No."

"C'mon Seb! I'm doing you a favor." Granted, Sebastian didn't have the mini-unibrow Noah dealt with, only minor cleaning would be needed for him, but she very much liked the idea of having him close to her.


"But don't you wanna see if—"

Sebastian grabbed her arms as he gently pulled her closer. His golden eyes found hers as he repeated his most favorite word. "No."

"Ugh, fine!" She gave in, throwing her hands up in aggravation. Men could really be unnecessarily difficult.

"Jordan." His head popped up at her usage. "You. Here." Massie sat on the couch again and pat her lap to show him where she wanted him. Unlike Sebastian, he showed no protest and easily gave up the game in his hand to come to her. Again, why couldn't her heart choose someone like him?

The shaggy haired twin situated himself comfortably on her lap and closed his eyes. Massie was quick to work on his brows. Jordan didn't have a unibrow, but he had a lot of outliers at the corners.

"Why does his head have to be on your lap to do that." Sebastian asked defensively, criticizing their positioning.

Massie leveled him with a dark look before promptly ignoring him and focusing on her work. Jordan's eyebrows were at stake and she would not allow even Sebastian to get in the way. She offered him, he denied. Besides, their positioning did not have any hidden meaning. Why was he so irked by it?

Unlike Noah, Jordan didn't whine as much. He did mumble a few 'ow's here and there, but for the most part he took it like a man. When Massie finished, she beamed at her masterpiece. Jordan had thick, beautifully carved brows that any girl would envy. It truly accentuated his cuteness.

"There, all done!" Massie tapped his forehead. "Go look in the mirror."

Jordan went to the mirror and looked at his freshly done brows. "Well what do you know, it actually made a difference." He mused, looking at himself from different angles.

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