[10] Vague Advice

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[10] Vague Advice

If Massie thought yesterday had been difficult serving all these customers, it must have been ten times worse today, because extra customers plus yesterday's soreness equaled my body is screaming! Meanwhile, Kristen was well off serving at an amazing pace with a pleasant smile constantly on her face. How did the woman handle it? The back and forth walking, carrying heavy loads of food to customers, balancing four or more glasses of liquids on a tray while power walking. The chick was born to be a waitress!

Why had she felt lucky to work here again? Ding.

Oh, that's why.

Sebastian entered the diner in his devastating handsomeness, grabbing the attention of every single girl and boy in the packed room. The boys couldn't help but stare and wonder why on earth had a man been made so attractive, and they were unlucky that it couldn't have been them. The girls gazed at him with a mixture or lust, adoration, and want. Massie wondered what he was doing there so early, yesterday he'd come when her shift ended, but now he'd come at the diner's busiest hour.

When he entered the changing room Massie almost leaped with delight. Yes! Sebastian worked here. To stop herself from acting like a total lame—as were a few girls in the diner—she distracted herself by taking orders.

"What would you like to order?" There were two girls and one guy. If there was one thing she liked about having tons of customers, is that by the time she was able to get to them they've had more than enough time to choose their order.

As she wrote on her pad, Massie could sense the guy staring at her eyes, probably wondering if it's purple hue was natural or not.

"Are those your natural eyes?" he finally asked.


"Wow, they're gorgeous," he said in awe. Massie smiled thankfully.

When she continued to the next table, she heard the girl beside him say, "They're fake Brian, no one has purple eyes idiot," smacking him on the arm.

"Ouch! Well if they're fake they're the most real looking contacts I've ever seen."

Massie ignored the girl's comment. That was the usual feedback she received when she truthfully told them they were hers. Or how dumbfound they were when they look at it up close and see no indication of contacts. As abnormal as they were, Massie absolutely loved them. There was no one outside of her family whom she had ever seen with purple eyes.

A few moments later Sebastian walked out with a male version of the uniform, which didn't fail at outlining his good figure. Gosh, why couldn't her uniform compliment her shape? She looked so flat! Like her, he began to take orders from customers, and she didn't miss how he purposely went to tables with the least amount of girls situated. Massie wondered why Sebastian was so anti-female. He didn't hate them, but he made an effort to avoid them as much as possible.

Sebastian's contribution helped levitate some of the pain she received from serving all those customers. The trays were crazy heavy, and she didn't have strong muscles per say. As time passed she noticed his increasing annoyance towards the girl customers. Even Massie had to admit, if she were in his position she would have been peeved too. They would take a long time to pick an order, although she could see them peek at his face from the corner of the large menu. Sebastian wasn't oblivious, he noticed too. She could tell by the slight twitch in his left eyelid.

To her disappointment, Sebastian and her didn't have much communication. Though she should have expected that, seeing as she was working. But still, couldn't he have at least turn his eye in her direction for a moment or two? Maybe then she could have something to work with and hope he thought she was cute, even in that uncomplimentary uniform. But of course Sebastian just had to mind his own business and pay no mind to her.

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