[6] Avoidance

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 [6] Avoidance 

"How do you solve this math equation?"

No one raised their hands. Massie personally believed Mr. Seaman was one of the strangest teachers in the entire Dark Falls arena. What type of teacher asks you how to answer a problem when it's a new subject? This baffled her, and she wondered if he did this purposely or was just stupid.

"Massie, what is the answer," he asked once he saw that no one was going to raise their hands. The only person with his hand up was Jordan, the feistier twin, and Mr. Seaman had enough experience to know Jordan wouldn't supply him with the answer he was looking for.

"I didn't raise my hand!" she complained.

"I don't care."

Easily giving up, she said the first answer that popped into her head. "Purple." The class erupted in giggles, which in turn made Mr. Seaman's head fall disdainfully.

"New girl got jokes," praised Jordan, who sat beside her.

Massie smiled back, forcing herself to not beam with happiness at his attention. "What can I say? It comes with the package."

The moment she'd entered class and saw one of the Cult boys sitting on his desk with an empty chair on his left she gladly sat beside him, hoping she could begin getting to know these boys. She could tell many girls had been disappointed at her choice of seating, but Massie didn't care. It wasn't her fault they were too nervous to sit next to him.

"That's a package I'd like to see," he winked at her, giving her a devilish grin.

"I don't think you could handle it," she teased. To her dismay the bell rang immediately after, interrupting the flow of their conversation. Even so, Jordan continued with their obvious flirting.

"Try me," he challenged.

From the corner of her eye Massie could see girls stalling as a way to find an excuse to walk beside Jordan. She felt rather smug about the fact that she'd only just met the dude and already she was getting more attention from him than any of them have probably gotten from him all year.

"Hmm. . ." she childishly placed a finger on her chin, as if considering his reply. He smirked, his brown eyes bright.

"Jordan!" called a voice from the door. The classroom was near empty now except for the two exceptionally desperate girls. One was tying her shoe for the fifth time while the other 'fixed' her hair.

Massie immediately noted it was Jordan's twin brother. Two identical good-looking boys in one room. Massie sighed happily, she never thought she'd live the day.

Strangely, getting Jordan's attention was all Jayden needed to walk off and have his brother quickly follow after him. Talk about twin telepathy. She guessed it did exist after all, but Massie didn't pay attention to their random departure. Instead she gazed pityingly at the dejected girls.

Even if their plan to wait for Jordan had worked, what then? Just stalk him to his next classroom? It wasn't the ideal way to catch as guy's attention, or his affections to say the least.

In the hallway Massie was greeted with Emma's humongous smile. It was so large it put the Cheshire Cat to shame.

"Guess what!?"

"What?" Massie asked, wondering what was going through that crazy head of hers.

"I was going to my locker when I saw Noah—you know, buffer one of them all—then he looked back and gave me a head nod!" she gushed, and if it were even possible her smile became wider.

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