[12] The Pack

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 [12] The Pack 

"You're kidding!"

"Nope, all seriousness here," affirmed Noah, making a turn.

"Its just. . . it doesn't make sense. Hailey's so adorable and sweet! How on earth did she manage to run away ten different babysitters? They must have done something. When I was with her yesterday she was all obedience. I'm sorry, I just can't believe she's that much of a hassle."

Noah laughed "Oh you'd be surprised what your so-called 'sweet' and 'adorable' Hailey puts them through. They never say it, but the wild look in their eyes and their rejection of ever babysitting her again makes it obvious they've been put through the shredder."

Massie tilted her head thoughtfully. Could all Noah said about Hailey really be true? From what she gathered being with her at the diner she didn't fit into any description he said thus far.

Noah smirked and gave her a challenging glace. "What, I scared you already?"

Massie huffed. "As if! To tell you the truth, all you've accomplished is bring my curiosity to a new level. I want to see the scary Hailey everyone speaks so fondly of," she replied.

Noah grinned. "Good, 'cause I'd like you to stick around."

Taking his words to heart Massie's happy mood soared even higher. Could she get any luckier than this? So far she'd managed to get acquainted with all the Cult boys in school and now she was going to their private property. Through all this content she still wondered why they lived in a separate part of town. More specifically, why a group of people lived away from everyone else. For the time being Massie ignored the question, and focused on the remaining day ahead.


There were a jumble of houses altogether, and somehow, they managed to interlock with one another and form a humongous estate. She saw why it was they lived on the solitary part of town. Surely, a building a big as this would frighten anyone, or bring curious stares similar as the one Massie currently wore.

"We'll go through that main entrance," Noah directed, taking Massie's bag and leading her to the largest door.

Massie followed in awe as she gazed at the surroundings before her. The house seemed old, but strong. It was obvious they took time into making any necessary modernization. It was surrounded by healthy blades of grass, no concrete or garage to store the cars at all, just pure lebensraum.

There were various cars about the area, but what shook her the most is how they managed to put a beautiful estate in a forest. It was due to these tall trees she wasn't able to notice the home from afar. It looked completely majestic and added a beauty she'd never seen before. Near the front of the house flowers bloomed in vibrant colors. In her head she complimented whoever planted them and did a great job in taking care of them.

When she entered the home she was met with loud chatter from the left side of the room, which turned out to be a large living room. The first person she spotted was Sebastian, who at the moment was giving orders to a younger male. As if sensing her, his eyes snapped to her. Massie became mesmerized with his honey-colored eyes, eyes who bore into her with an emotion she was not familiarized with.

Suddenly, the chatter and everyone around her seemed to freeze. Almost as if someone had hit the pause button. A moment later and they continued talking as they had before, and if it had not been for Massie's complete confidence in her sanity she would have thought she imagined it. As Noah and her neared the room their voices became quieter as they gave her attention. She tried to stop the awkwardness from taking over her, because if there's anything she hated it was awkward moments.

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