[43] It's What Friends Do

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In which Massie realizes that karma works in funny ways. What goes around comes around...

[43] It's What Friends Do

Massie was freaking out. It was one day to Kristen's wedding and everything was going according to schedule. There was just one itsy bitsy problem—the pack from Everglades would come, and because her and Sebastian had pretended to be engaged in their territory it would look off if they suddenly weren't together again.

The purple eyed beauty ran her fingers through her hair. What was she going to do? For this reason Sebastian sat beside her in the kitchen, munching on an apple as he waited for her to explain some 'recent concerns' she's been having.

"—so basically I'm worried because they're all coming and will expect us to be engaged still."

"I know."

The wereman relaxed languidly on the chair, the ideal picture of calmness. Sebastian was one to foresee things before they happened, shouldn't have he brought this to her attention before? Why was he not as stressed as she was?!

"Obviously we're not really engaged. We're just friends." She reminded, waiting for him to see the issue for what it was. It's as though he didn't care.

"For now."

Massie groaned. "Sebastian. Focus on the issue at hand."

"The only difference is you won't have the ring on, which isn't even a part of my culture. You're my date throughout the whole ceremony. I'm sure they'll assume we're still together."

"I guess." She said, unconvinced.

Sebastian leaned in. "If you're so concerned, I don't mind kissing you a few times in their presence." His eyes fell to her lips, they darkened with hungry intent.

Massie shifted in her seat. His breath smelled sweet, of apples and many deep things. "No, it's fine. Like you said, they'll probably assume we're still together."

Sebastian's lower lip protruded ever so slightly into the semblance of a pout. Like a child who had his plans thwarted.

She tried to refocus. Why did she even care what the people of Everglades thought? It's not like she would lose face in front of them if she suddenly wasn't with Sebastian anymore. Relationships fail all the time, it wasn't anything new.

Suddenly, Sebastian sighed. "Great."

Massie tried to figure out what was wrong. There was nothing amiss as far as she could tell. "What is it?"

Sebastian didn't answer her. Then, the sound of two grumbling voices reached her. It was Sebastian's parents. Papa Saurus trialed behind his wife, who was currently holding a decorated box.

"Who is this Tobias?" Papa Saurus asked, his tone spiteful.

Mia lifted her chin. "I already told you. He is the owner of the flower shop I go to in town."

"Why is this human sending my wife flowers?"

Mia shrugged, not sparing him a glance. "What do I know? All I care is that I got free flowers."

Massie was surprised. She was accustomed to seeing a sweet and kind Mia. This side of Sebastian's mother was more on edge, as though she had a bone to pick with her husband.

Papa Saurus would try to hug her but she would purposely evade his advances with an air of defiance. None of his kisses landed where they intended, they all met empty space. It was clear they had been arguing beforehand and Mia was still not over it.

Wolf Chase |  ✔️Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora