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"Massie. . . wake up."

Massie blinked several times until a clear picture of Kristin appeared above her. She yawned and stretched her arms. "Hey," she croaked, squinting her eyes from the room's brightness. The window's curtains did not do much to dampen the sun's rays.

"Mandy made a salve of mixed herbs to reduce the swelling of your foot. The job is rather messy, and it applies much better if you're sitting up."

Massie slowly sat up, giving Kristin better access to her swollen foot. She winced at the sight of her grotesque foot, if anything it looked worse than it did yesterday. Even her cute toe nails couldn't save her now. As Kristen applied the salve Massie looked to her right at the clock. The red numbers showed it was nine in the morning, a few hours since school started.

"Looks like I'll be missing school today," Massie yawned. Glancing at Kristin she remembered what Emma told her when she first started school; Kristin dropped out. "You don't go to school anymore, right?" She questioned, curious for an explanation. She hoped she wouldn't be touching a sore subject.

Kristen nodded, seemingly not bothered by Massie's inquisitiveness. "I dropped out last year. I didn't feel it was necessary to continue attending when in the end I wasn't going to leave for college."

Massie blinked. "Wow, I never thought of not going to college. Of course, you are a werewolf." The very word felt awkward leaving her lips. The idea of the entire Cult being werewolves was something she accepted, yet it still didn't fail to have her slightly dumbfounded.

Kristen looked up and smiled. "To be honest, I wouldn't have it any other way. I love being at the diner and managing the aspects of it. I'm also hoping that soon James will be marking me," she blushed at her last disclosure.

Massie giggled. "Aww, I knew you and James had a romance going on. What are you guys, soulmates? Is that what they call it?"

This time Kristen giggled. "That's fiction Massie, there are no such thing as soulmates. Though, I do feel James is the only one I could picture myself with. My wolf has found the most attraction towards him." Her eyes became glassy with affection, causing Massie to sigh at her own love life, or lack thereof.

"I'm sure the feelings are mutual." Massie smirked as she recalled a memory. "Actually, one day I caught James in the library reading books about mates, and I think that if a guy goes to books for advice on his love life then his head must be dizzy with thoughts about his significant other—you."

Kristen's smile widened. "Really? He was reading a book?" Massie gave her a wink. "It's crazy when I think about it. At one point having him seemed almost impossible. Before he ever noticed me— back when I attended high school—he harbored a massive crush for Keisha. She flirted with him every now and then, but even he knew her focus was mainly on Sebastian."

Massie's eyebrows lifted; she had assumed James and Kristen's relationship had been a consummation of years. "Wait, then how does this mate thing go? Don't you just know you're made for each other? Like destiny?"

Wood colored eyes looked at her, amused. "Werewolves mate similarly to humans. You find someone who you feel you could be the rest of your life with, and then you mark them. . . kind of like a wedding, only with werewolves there is no such thing as an annulment. The moment a male marks his mate an impenetrable bond is created until death."

Massie nodded, absorbing everything Kristen told her. "What if you fall for a human?"

Kristen shook her head. "Mating with a human never happens. As werewolves our nature is guided towards reproducing. Humans aren't able to reproduce our kind. Only a werewolf-werewolf pairing. That's why a half-werewolf does not exist."

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