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Wolf Chase [25]

Massie hummed with interest and smirked mischievously at the man beside her. "Go ahead wereman, I'm all ears."

"Pigging-back on what James has already informed you, the fact that you have matura means you are not only a woman able to mate with a werewolf, but that you also have a higher chance at producing female children—something that is difficult for typical werewolf partners to make," he started, slowing down as they reached a stop sign. One of the things Massie admired of him was his smooth driving, he wasn't reckless nor prone to speeding. How... attractively responsible.

"Yes, I remember. You need more babymamas," Massie joked, recalling Noah's statements the day they first told her of what she had.

Massie noticed him roll his eyes, she could tell he was minorly grieved at the memory of Noah's brashness. "If you want to word it that way, sure. On top of that we tend to be highly drawn to women with matura, which is rather odd, but for you this means—"

"Why is that odd?" Massie interrupted. To her it made sense that they would be attracted to her if she could have their babies. Weren't they into mating and such?

"Because you are weak compared to a she-wolf." Sebastian said matter-of-factly, as though the answer were obvious. "Our wolves are usually drawn to someone who is compatible to us in strength, while also possessing the ability to calm us."

Massie smiled at his last statement. "Aww, at the end of the day the big bad wolf just wishes to be tamed," she cooed.

Sebastian's featured contorted into one of distaste, clearly displeased with her interpretation of his words. "No, not tamed." He disagreed. He then shook his head, as though figuring he did not want to delve into that any further. "It's odd because regardless of how strong or weak the wolf is, he will still be drawn to you. That being said—with your overly-friendly disposition, you need to make sure you are not sending the wrong signal to a wolf. You don't want to accidentally make him think you're open to him mating you."

Massie lifted a brow, finding it ironic how the very man she was making it plain she wanted was telling her this. "Sebastian. I believe I make it clear whether or not I want a man. In case you haven't noticed.

The male beside her seemed to brush off her statement. "It is especially important that you try your best to stay away from males while they're in a moment of heat. Our pack prides itself in high self-control compared to other packs. Nonetheless, it is good for you to be cautious by—"

"A male in heat? Isn't it the girls who get in heat?" Massie placed a finger on her chin. "I'm sure I read it somewhere in a werewolf book..." she murmured quietly to herself.

"No more interrupting." He said, annoyance slipping into his tone.

Massie crossed her arms, giving him the side-eye. "Well, excuse me for being an active learner. I need to know the things I'm asking you so that I can be a well-informed wife."

The car went into a screeching stop, causing them to jostle forward. "Wife? Who are you pursuing?"

Massie smacked her forehead, she was not going there today, not right now. "Just answer my question. I'm the student so I get to ask questions."

It was Sebastian's turn to give her the side-eye. "Males go into heat. When they do, they're more at risk to mate due to their escalated sexual impulses. Its short and happens rarely, usually lasts two to three days about once or twice a year. We keep to ourselves during that time to avoid touching women as much as possible," he answers.

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