[14] Guilty Eyes

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 [14] Guilty Eyes

Massie and Hailey fell asleep, each cuddling to the others form. Massie's arm was under Hailey's neck, and the little girl's arm draped over Massie's waist. Their serene faces expressed only peace and comfort. This was how Kristin found them, and seeing them so she could not bring herself to wake Massie at 5A.M.

"How are they—aw!" Mandy gasped at seeing them so well situated. "Looks like we found ourselves a permanent babysitter." She leaned against the cool wall and stifled a rising yawn.

"I'm debating whether I should wake her up or not," Kristin related, referring to Massie. As if hearing her name, Massie squirmed.

Mandy waved a hand. "Nah, let them sleep. Massie brought all her stuff with her. She came prepared to sleep over, what difference does a few hours do?"

After contemplating Kristin nodded. "True." Kristin closed the door gently to not disturb them, and after sharing farewells with Mandy, went to her own habitation.



Massie threw the covers off her form and sat up with a start, only to lay back down when her head became dizzy with the sudden movement. It was 11A.M. Not only was it 11A.M, but she was at the wrong house. Why didn't anyone bother to wake her up? Glancing beside her, she saw even Hailey awoke before her.

Massie rubbed her eyes, blinking away the sleepiness that threatened to overtake her. She had always been a late sleeper. Especially on the weekends, where waking at 1P.M was her usual. Of course, ever since the weekend she woke up early to accompany her friend from a previous school with community service, she saw the perks of waking up early. For one, the day actually lasted longer. And two, she didn't awake with half as much hunger. . .

Grabbing her bag, she went into Hailey's bathroom and did her usual morning rituals, which served to shake her from her drowsiness. She wore the same clothes she sported when she came to the house yesterday, seeing as she expected to be home by now and at the time found it unnecessary to bring an extra set of clothes to change into.

Stepping out of Hailey's room the smell of pancakes and eggs assaulted her senses. She followed the enticing scent, and as expected it led her to the kitchen where Hailey had made diner the night before. She found a familiar group of boys seated around a table. Numerous pancakes were stacked, one on top of the other accompanied by various plates full scrambled eggs and ham.

"Morning Massie!" chirped Hailey, who was frying eggs. Beside her Jayden was busy as well making another batch of pancakes.

"Good morning, I see the amazing chef is up doing her magic again." Massie gave her a quick kiss on the forehead

"And I see Dreaming Beauty has awakened from her deep sleep," said Jordan, his mouth full of pancakes.

"Finish chewing before you open your mouth," suggested Jayden, calm as he began another pancake. Massie joined them in their laughter. Surrounding the table was James, Jordan, Noah, and Micah. Feeling at ease, she took the empty seat between Jordan and Noah.

"As much as I love being compared to my favorite princess, I'm sure the movie was named Sleeping Beauty, not dreaming," Massie corrected. She grabbed a plate and served herself the contents on the table.

"Why is she your favorite?" asked James, genuinely curious. His short mohawk wasn't in the usual gelled perfection she was accustomed to seeing when he was out in public.

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